Concept Suggestion- Skill Tomes

Currently I find the lack of progression from monoliths to be a a major problem. We have exp tomes. But I find the concept incomplete.

Imagine that there was another faction alongside the one added with 1.1. This faction sold books for you to buy and would let you learn abilities of other classes or special abilities that are powerful. They would also provide the ability to unlock new skill slots

Rep 1: you unlock a new skill slot (6)

Rep 2: you unlock a perma +1 to all skills

Rep3: You gain 20% more xp

Rep4: you unlock another skill slot (7)

Rep5: you may buy skill tomes of level 1 or above from the npc for your class

Rep 6: you can buy a tome of tank 1 for any class of your choosing

Rep7: you gain a perma +1 to all skills

Rep8: You gain 30% boost to xp (stacks with prior boost to xp)

Rep 9: you can buy a rank 2 skill tome for your class from the npc

Rep 10: you can buy a skill book of rank 2 from all class from the npc

Rank 11: you get + 1 to all skills

Rank 12: you can buy a skill tome of rank 3 of any choosing.

Rank 1 tomes: movement skills
Rank 2 tomes; class specific skills
Rank 3 tomes: specialization specific skills

This update is meant mostly for 1.3 as written in the road map. Trying to jump the gun early so devs have time to do it right

I love the smell of power creep in the morning.

It’s too strong and too much a hassle to balance, I would assume. Balancing and overhauling outdated masteries should be the priority,

Generally, I love the idea of some mix and match of skills from other base classes. But I think it is not a good idea in the near future, and maybe never.


I like the concept of a new faction focused on improving your character’s development rather than gear, but the skill tomes themselves are too OP the way you described them. Maybe using faction rep to buy skill respec tomes that only work in town to allow you to replace a specialized skill with another for the cost of the tome (good for build testing, even if leveling a new skill isnt’ hard), and EXP boost tomes that gives you an EXP per kill buff that goes up with your Rank, maybe starting at 3% and working up to 15%.

Edit: reworded the skill respec tome, and thought of another tome that boosted skill exp instead of player exp?

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Agree that its important and a priority. But sometimes the answer is chaos. A lot of the weaker masteries are weak because they have sub par elements. But take stronger elements from other classes and you may get something really good-great even if all of them are good.

Eg: beastmaster is weak because pets need to be revived. But lets say you chose to pick up summon summon falcon (from rogue), volatile zombies from necro, and storm crow from shaman, for your druid that remains in spriggan form. Now you can get something that may be viable.

Druid which was weak was now a lot stronger.

Eg2: you want to run a low life spellblade that uses elemental nova (toggle) and rive while running lich for reap. Now you got a strong thematic build of a playing as fire lich.

Not every build has to be very strong. The 2nd example might be viable for 200cp. But man would it be fun. You gain mana from manastrike, you burn mana like lead from nova, rive use for movement, and lich form for health regan for constant ward generation from hp /s and %manaspent as mana

No reason to not also add that. People have asked for it none stop as respecing can be annoyjng esp at higher corruption. Maybe add it as a base at faction rep 0. Could be fun.

Beastmaster is arguably the strongest Primalist Mastery, and then you say “for your Druid”, what are you talking about lol.

Also, Storm Crows are a Primalist skill, so Beastmaster has access already.

Ultimately, this kind of chaos is best left for true offline mod shenanigans, not something official

As has already been pointed out, you can already use storm crow, though you never actually do because taking summon spriggan is stronger for shaman. And if you took summon volatile zombie, you wouldn’t be able to cast it anyway in spriggan form.

Ultimately, this is basically just power creep, but especially this will only make strong builds a lot (and that means A LOT) stronger, while making weak builds a little stronger. Also, the whole game is balanced around 5 skills, so adding even a single extra one would require rebalancing the whole game.

Like Scipo said, this is best left for a mod in true offline, since this is completely unbalanced and will never happen as presented.


I’d want a to have dread shade or holy aura for any minion build, but that will be too OP

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Not necessarily, but I think it would require a far more mature (& IMO experienced team) game to pull it off well.

Not just a more experienced team, but I feel like this is more of a seasonal mechanic for 5 or more years down the road, when power creep becomes an expected thing.

We simply don’t have content for these changes right now, since it would then trivialize everything.

Holy Aura → play with a paladin friend :wink:

That depends how it’s done. If things were balanced then most stuff would probably be ok.

I don’t think you can properly balance a change such as this. If it were just giving you 1-2 skill slots it would be hard enough already, since some builds already barely have any useful skill for 5th as it is (like Spriggan builds) while others would have a more significant power boost.
But when you add allowing skills from other classes into the mix, there are just too many things that would go out of control.

I don’t think it would be possible to balance properly in a significantly small ammount of time, so we’d either end up with an even worse balance than we do now, or it would be best to just stick it as a seasonal mechanic a few years from now and letting everyone go berserk with it.

EDIT: Not to mention, nothing was said so far what happens to Spriggan/Werebear. Do they get new skills as well for their form? Can they use 2 “normal” skills while transformed?


Balancing inside a class with five out of 20+ skills with many nodes that change the behaviour is challenging enough. Allowing characters to pick from 80+ additional skills makes this exponential harder.


Interesting concept.

Extreme power creep.

Viable in probably 3-5 years.

Also, extra skill slots means a boatload of programming that in, especially how to make it work with a controller.
We won’t see that for a long… looooong time to come.

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This is crazy levels of power. My guess would be that adding additional skills slots would be very challenging.

Maybe they could do something like the Scion from PoE instead. Call it a mimic, it has to get all it’s skills from other classes, randomly, as it levels.

Why yes, I am trying to rebuild D1 into LE, aren’t I? Why am I trying to do that? lol, I don’t know.


Sounds a bit like blue wizards in ff14. I think its something to also look into. Maybe you learn some weird form of spells from killing enemies and having their soul etch onto yours

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