I saw a thread about necromancer - did not want to derail the thread. So wanted to ask a more generalized topic.
What would you all think about having special summons of some kind that any class could learn (either via a rare boss drop scroll, or via spell crafting).
These would be essentially familiars [familiar can be anything even humanoid like a Niad companion in Titan Quest]
Named NPCs
I was thinking these could be found potentially in Time rifts. Think some helpless soul that joins you because you saved them.
These companions would be a substitute for solo players- similar to how followers are in Elder Scrolls online. And only work in solo.
They would level up along side you, and you could pick from their skill list to customize how they play.
Mages: would help martial builds. They could teleport you to help with positioning, heal you, summon pets, attack with spells etc
Archers: a marksman of some kind. Maybe they can buff you- mostly damage
Warrior: a tank. Can have some form of proper taunt to pull enemies, can also self heal.
**Type 2 minions **
Essentially these are your generic summons that you could learn. Maybe some would be specific to Druid, beastmaster, acolyte etc
Druid: Flowers (see them in campaigns), bees, bears, scorpions, etc
Acolyte: void creatures, undead.
Beast master: Osprick (half pigeons so I could see them being controlled), etc
Rogue: snake assassins, beetles, bugs etc
Scaling Conpanions
These companions would scale only with character level. Stats do not benefit them. As they have their own trees, and those trees provide them stats (think manifest armour)
These companions would be a lot of fun as they don’t replace real players entirely. But could be a good way to feel less alone when playing solo.
One of the reasons I like acolyte. Feels less depressing