Companion revive sucks!

In what universe are you expected to stand still for several seconds during a boss fight?
I can’t stand still for more than 2 seconds before the next one shot ground effect kills me…

You can increase the revive range and the revive speed from some items and skill nodes like Frenzy totem and Eterra’s blessing. But yeah, I’ve always seen this mechanic as an additional punishment for Beastmaster minions (Since cooldown starts after the pet’s recovery period is over).

If your companion dies during a bossfight its generally RIP until the cooldown recovers. That’s why almost no-one uses Spriggan companion anymore. I think Companion focused builds generally don’t have this problem as you’ll build some leech and health for them(or swipe’s health recovery) and they won’t die. But support companions…

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Yea i play spriggan form with 2 spriggans and they basically are a waste of a skill slot against bosses.

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My best guess they fear the titan quest/ grimdawn meta of pets and summons being mixed together to create some crazy game deleting metas.

As a product they made companions so weak that they are a meme and gear less powerful so that you could not scale it up.

The devs themselves seem to be afraid of allowing us to have unlimited freedom. That always makes me mad because I don’t like having a stick at my throat telling me what I can and can’t do. Let us go wild. Rule of cool always should be first

They program what the game can & cannot do, they always tell you what you can & cannot do.

Apart from Squirrels & Storm Crows. And Raptors.

I am fine with being told what to do if I agree with it to begin with. Otherwise I get mad. I think all of us are that way

That is all games are: rules on what you can and can’t do. It’s then up to you whether you like those rules and play it or not.

For example, many games don’t let you jump. You get a wall that goes shin high and you can’t go over it. Many games don’t let you crouch or strafe or lean around wall covers.
Likewise you have games where you slowly unlock your powers and you know that you’ll end up with all of them (games like the Batman series or the new Tomb Raider ones), others make you choose between them.

If you don’t agree with a game’s limitations, it’s silly to get mad when there are other games that don’t have that. Especially when those limitations were there from the start.

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