Community Designed Unique: Unique Effect

Okay that is totally fair. What if it was just what we are voting on this week (A unique effect) that the design team can then run with?

Can’t we already just use Mana Strike and manually cast Meteor every second? I feel like I am missing something…

Yes, we can, but by auto-casting you’re saving the actions (which means more Mana Strike hits). And also Meteor scales with cast speed, while Mana Strike scales with attack speed, which can provide some very interesting build opportunities (i.e. you can just avoid cast speed altogether and focus on Attack Speed for faster mana regen).

And (which is also quite important) you’re saving an active skill slot. I.e. you can specialize Meteor, but you don’t have to keep it on your panel and put some other unspecialized skill in its stead. Like Teleport or Focus (or even Flame Ward if you’re feeling ballsy not speccing it).

IDK, melee sorc seems like a very fun idea to me. Much more interesting and promising than yet another (most likely, potentially not very successful) attempt to implement a void build for non-void specialization.


because melee shit ussualy doesnt add spell damage

You don’t need any “melee shit” in that case, aside from the Melee Attack Speed prefix on gloves and may be another prefix on a spear, in case it rolls some LP and you’re lucky with the merge.

The rest you just build as a regular caster.

Sure would be nice to get back a fireball on-hit build.
Had a fun flame reave fireball build before flame reave got reworked to remove extra projectiles (which, imo, was a ‘quick fix’ for the fact that the fireball Embers node didn’t work with it, since it seems to use ‘recast’ mechanics similar to lightning blast to ‘fire sequentially’)
Clearly not going to win though :frowning:

I would love to see a bracket style adapted with single round elims for a unique design w/ a desired effect or style to make the unique around. It doesn’t have to be a fully fleshed out design idea but simply a reference to uniques in other games, or like a specific unique effect like was used to generate this poll. I’m sure it could be vetted and curated as to not cause conflicts with the design team. Then poll again with a few options that are just stat cards of what the unique would look like in LE around the winning design/unique effect. This style of voting currently is fun, but in case y’all do it again just throwing my +1 support for the bracket style :wink: