Collection of puzzle pieces for cosmetics or sets

Hi all

Why do we love action rpg’s?
a) To build a character we like to play and can blast through hordes of enemies
b) But also to collect and craft great weapons

Why not combine both?

My suggestion is to have something additional to grind you get automatically while you grind the echos.

In each echo, you have a chance to get a drop of a puzzle piece which is a part of a mosaic of the history of a timeline (lore image with explanation).

You open on your inventory with another tap like cosmetic but for puzzles
You have like with a placeholder that shows if the puzzle is finished or not - like a diamond or a sigil of that timeline. As soon you click on it the puzzle opens - style should not be squared cause that is boring but shaped in the form of the figure or scenery that it represents. You then right-click on the puzzle piece in your inventory and it links to to puzzle with a nice sound-effect and maybe dust that breaks off.

These pieces can be traded also on the auction market. For rarer pieces, you have to do a special echo with a boss of that timeline (historic character).

If you have collected a mosaic - you get a short history audio that explains the mosaic scene of that timeline. The finished puzzle you can turn in at a trader for a cosmetic reward or set.

Each season there would be a new set or collectibles that can be grinded and the players can get cosmetics by achievement.

Furthermore - I suggest that the person that each season is able to finish as the first all puzzles gets an additional reward of something physical - like a plack or a trophy.

At the end of each season these mosaic would end in like a book you can flip through with the images - you see the whole picture but when completed the picture would be clearer with a button for the audio history to click on.

I think that the rewards should only exist for one season and maybe 1 month into the new seasons with maybe a bit a higher drop rate. So people have a chance to finish if they have finished it yet.

I think this would add three things to the game and it would not be so difficult to implement it

a) something additional as motivation for the echos
b) it would enrich the lore
c) it would give something to trade and interact more
d) it would give another incentive to be first because it would give you a physical reward if your the first in Hardcore and in Softcore
e) something to satisfy the completionist desires.

As again love to hear your feedbacks.