CoF players, do you keep all of the exalteds you find?

Do you keep getting more and more stash tabs, or do you eventually start getting rid of exalteds, duplicate uniques, and idols that you likely won’t use?

im only level 9 but for me its already pretty much anything that has no lp that isnt omega rare unique wise? dumpster dont need it.

Idols same thing, I look for sets im looking for, and pick up double health 1x2. thats it.

Exalted I do leave them on, but highlight and only look at stats im currently after, t7s and double t6s. No reason to pick up stun chance or blind chance exalteds for example.

there is so many exalted items, I have no worry if I need a basic t6, I can get it when I need it.

Any stat that is kinda universally good like hybrid health/health/flat health I pick it all those exalted ups.

I am in MG and even I don’t keep all the exalted items.
There’s no point in keeping repeated uniques. Just keep one and when another drops, replace it if it’s better. You might want to keep some repeated in a few cases, like 1h weapons that you can dual wield or obviously rings.
As for exalteds, there’s no point keeping a T6 exalted, unless you’re saving it to slam a unique. My filter only shows T7 or 2xT6+. And I still get a lot of them without CoF bonuses.

I collect single copies of uniques…
Exalted I grab good stat ones to potential craft… then shatter others…

I keep the ones that have ok stats and shatter ones that I don’t need. Mind you this is after all the loot filter I have so I don’t get to pick up a bunch of stuff. I kind of wish they had an auto if this item doesn’t fit into your loot filter it should be auto-sold to merchant for gold without you having to pick it up.

I don’t pick up, let alone keep most of the exalted items I find. You can get exalted items with only one affix.

I save double exalteds that synergize and one or two copies of affixes that are directly related to my current charecters or a build I know I will want to play.

The only affix I have ever had to really “farm” was getting experimental onto boots for my Wraithlord. Idk what people are talking about with COF being underpowered, it is cracked good for a player like me that has NO intrest in buying my way to BIS. Its an ARPG ffs, farm it or gtfo

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I keep telling myself this… and then that part of my brain says, "well, that’s fine, but just don’t cry when EHG adds a “combine 5 of the same uniques to get a chance at a pony!”, system and we have to start from scratch.

So as I type that I just want to say to EHG; please for the love of god don’t implement a system for excess uniques that requires us to spend billions on stash space, I’m begging you. Just … I don’t know, let me combine two of the same, one is sacrifice, the other is the target and after I get enough charges on the target it has a chance to be enhanced.

I keep usual 1 unique per type in stash and replace it when i get the same with higher stats or lp (my guess that everyone does this). At first i bothered to much with exalted now i filter just good t6 and t7 which i know have values to sell in the AH.

Hell no! Everything that isn’t good for any build I play I don’t even pick up. I sit on 2 stash tabs for exalts. I don’t pickup said items if there are not 3 affixes on I want or one free space to discover.

Hell no. I try and keep the highest one of the desirable ones.

I started being more picky. Before, if an item had a T6 +fire dmg I though, that could come in handy someday, but now I look at the whole item. Any of the affixes could end up on a legendary so that T6 fire dmg isn’t really good if another affix is +freeze rate…not likely to make a character that wants both of these stats.

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I keep getting lots of exalted but rarely get ones I really want. I get lots of ones that are “OK” or “better than nothing” or “decent for an alt” but I rarely get ones that are great and they are starting to pile up despite a fairly restrictive filter (I’m CoF). I have started getting much more picky with my T6 exalted loot filter and may even do the same for T7 exalted filter.

It feels like there is some hidden rarity of affixes that prevents good affixes from becoming exalted or maybe from items having many good affixes at once. It either has a good T6/T7 affix with 3 terrible ones or it has 2-3 good ones with a terrible T6/T7 affix. I don’t know.

It also feels like the balance of exalted items is out of whack with the availability of LP on unique items. I’m 92 and only just yesterday finally found a unique I need with 1 LP to allow me to make a legendary item. Maybe I’m doing something wrong but that doesn’t feel right. That said I’m still not max CoF and only running like 150 corruption so maybe that will improve.

This is me. I’m now to the point where I only keep items that have good affixes that synergize with each other and the implicits. And I hate EHG for not having something in place that increases the odds of affixes synergizing with the implicits. There is such a thing as too much RNG.

Spell damage on a sword with only melee damage, for instance. Or T7 poison on an elemental sword. Every wacked item is another paper cut on my journey of dispair.

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I’m not trying to be pithy be this is precisely what the loot filter is for. Stuff drops like candy at a birthday party in LE. The more you hone your loot filters, the more you’ll only see stuff like you described. It’s taken me a while to get to this point to understand that but I’ve really started to unlock the power behind the Loot Filter they implemented. I am still fighting seeing purple beams where I know loot dropped and resisting the urge to say "maybe I should look at that, though. :joy: :rofl:


I haven’t gotten to that point, and honestly, I don’t think I want to get there.

When I play these games, I care about loot. D3 and D4 understand that. I want to pick it up, and keep fighting until my backpack is full. Then I want to take a break from fighting, go back to camp, pour through my hard-earned loot to find something my current or another character can use. Or break it down for parts/sell it for gold.

The loot filter says, “this stuff is crap, it’s a torrential downpour of crap, just ignore it… except for the few nuggets of non-crap that don’t fall through your filter”.

At first I thought, “ok, the loot isn’t worth much gold, it’s true worth is the uncommon and rare affixes on the loot, I’ll setup a filter for that”. Heavy tried to help me setup a filter for loot with good affixes, but I got exhausted just thinking about it. There is no easy way to create a filter for loot with good affixes. I still don’t understand why that it so, because if there was, then I would use it, and developer would have a gold sink; buy runes from the vendor, break down items, hope to get the good affixes. Loot would matter, I’d be happy.

It’s funny, I watched a video by our friend Mr Llama and DarthMicro and Mr Llama said something like, “I like how there is a play loop in this game (PoE2)”. I agree with that. I think these games need a game loop. Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think there is a play loop in LE. And I think that is because of the filter.

So I definitely understand why there is a loot filter. I know that the high-end, end of game folks want to hide all the ‘crap’, and they really like the filter. I don’t think like that, and I don’t want to play like that. I want loot to matter more than it does. I’d like a simple filter rule that lets me target items with uncommon and rare affixes, so I can gamble on getting those affixes when shattering them (or, use a rune of removal to be sure I get them), and I’ll be happy-ish (players are never happy forever).

All that said, I think that as they add more affixes this is all just going to keep getting worse and I think the reality will be (if it’s not already) that most users will have to trade and only the masochists will stay in CoF.

:slight_smile: But thank you for trying to help me, it’s appreciated.

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I would argue you care about loot you want or need.

The end result is the same.

A. Game creates a very fine-tuned way to know exactly what you want and what you need and what will always work. But then they have to cripple the drop rates because if they dropped the same as they do now everyone would be done after the first four hours.

B. The game gives YOU a loot filter that allows you to cater (A) to exactly how you want and need it at any given moment. They have to keep the drop rates as high as they are so that those fewer and fewer items you need as you get more and more powerful pop out at you when they do drop.

A is virtually impossible to implement when you consider thousands to tens of thousands of players. B is much more manageable because it puts a lot of the action in the hands of each and every player.

I do want to help. I had a similar mindset for a while and I think this is partly based around the old ‘hoarder’ mentality. I also think they loot filter isn’t perfect and needs some tweaks but it’s very, very close to being all of the things you want, when you want them, right in your hands.

And for what it’s worth. I’m a die-hard CoF player. Can’t ever see myself jumping into MG unless it’s just for the novelty some season.

Every level 9 has to deal with problems like this. My loot filter hides items with less than 4 LP at around level 4 already, otherwise loot becomes completely unmanageable.

I intend to play cycle so I dump duplicate uniques unless they have LP and I realistically might want to slam, duplicate set items, exalteds I don’t intend to craft, and poorly rolled idols.

Only keep stuff for potential or already known builds that I know in case I want to do something with it later so yes, just buy more stash tabs if necessary.

I have even discarded double exalted items that were total poop.