Climb The Tower

Hey, this is a suggestion/Idea for potential future content, not really detailed and very thought out but more of like “this would be very cool” type thing.

The suggestion is to have some sort of “climb a tower” end game system where you could climb a super cool ominous tower where it’d have stages, bosses and unique things to it. Personally I think the tower fantasy is super cool and just ticks something in my brain, and I think for many others that’s probably true. But, for it to be good, it needs to live up to the fantasy and high expectations. Which would be the challenge for the EHG developers to actually make it feel grandiose and meaningful, which I have faith they would be able to do.

It would also be a very easy leaderboard addition, which I personally feel like would be easy to interact with and natural.

It could potentially be a cycle feature and to see if people enjoy it be implemented into the game, etc.

Sort of like in Lost Ark?

I know they have such a system and I know other games do as well, but I don’t think they do it that well. Like if you talk about Last Ark, you don’t talk about the tower system and say it’s a super good mode, that’s a ton of fun. Since, imo. They didn’t implement it well and Enable it.

A important distinction to make is, i’m not saying implment a tower mode similiar to other games. I’m saying create and take the fantasy of tower climbing and enable it, by making it good. How do you do that? well that’s to the EHG developers to research and figure out.

IMO, there’s no game out there that really does the “climb the tower” really really well. At least to my expectations/vision of it. Which is sad.

If it’s a similar method like for example a boss-rush mode for challenging oneself and maybe unique special drops for it then I can see it working out.

Another game-mode to choose from never hurts in my eyes, and that one is a staple of some game types. We already have an arena with wave-type gameplay… so one which focuses instead on beating ever ‘worse’ combinations and iterations of bosses? Sounds darn fun, especially if they become unreasonably dangerous in combination.

I think you could blend the two tbh and it’d just be a superior arena mode + more, with a different fantasy to it (tower climb), which imo is superior. And on top of it, I assume it’d be further designed to be a full fledged engaging mode which gives a unique experience.

But it’d also have to be integrated into the game well, if there’d just be a key you’d get and you just jump into a tower climb mode. It’d be low quality and won’t enable it’s potential. Like imagine you open map to the end game and you just see a gigantic ominous tower, that in of itself will get you hyped up and want to go there etc.

Tower content for me is just arenas on top of each other so I’m initaly completely against it because there already is a game mode that mimics a tower/level grind. If EHG somehow manage it to make FAR more intresting then arenas sure why not but arena 1.1… nah thx.

Understandable if that’s how you view tower content. If that was my perception of it, I would agree. But, to me, the current arena game mode and my vision for a tower climb mode is vastly different. Where, the latter would be much better and interactive. Obviously, not everyone will get the same sentiment for a suggestion as it’s subjective to what you associate X with. Hopefully, if the EHG devs read this, they understand the potential of my suggestion and see how it would be different, if not. It is what it is.

All Tower content I played in games before were a small area that spawns mobs and you kill them. No matter if it was a real tower or some kind of elevator or whatnot. The only tower I have fond memorys of was the Tower in LI2 then again that tower stages were huge maps 100x bigger then the actual tower itself :smiley: . To me this simply sounds to similar and I don’t know what you want to add to a tower to still call it at tower but different from an arena stage. Sure there could be holes in the ground or trpdoors and whatnot but then it’s just some kind of small space gauntlet. Would you mind to elaborate your suggestion more and how you imagine it fully?

Isn’t this just like Arena? Floors = waves?

A quite old game named ‘Azure Tower’ also had a tower-setup, albeit in a completely different style. It was full-scaled dungeon-crawler areas.
I could imagine it being set up into arenas with different environmental hazard like traps or the old thing being unstable and breaking apart gradually, all culminating to specific boss-fights or even boss gauntlets at the end to get to the next stage. Could simply be a ongoing thing as well - as those are prone to anyway - and repeatable to get back to a lower difficulty.

Yeah, but you wouldn’t specifically need to just force enemies to rush at you, depends on the setup. Could also be full-fledged areas with a ‘rest area’ in-between, just in a setup that’s different. Hence not simply running through but instead powerful mechanical enemies in small amounts, environmental hazard around to avoid or deal with during fights. Leaning more on the mechanical aspects of the genre then the hack’n’slay.

Could simply be an alternative to monolith farming, to provide variety in a manner that’s still viable to go through but not enforced to focus on if you don’t want.

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I’d love there to be more technical and challenging game play. I do hope we see it as walking simulators can be rather limited. We have PoE2 and No Rest for the Wicked out soon. They look like they promise a more promising difficulty content and more mechanics oriented. :slight_smile:

Yeah, currently the mechanically oriented gameplay is a bit underwhelming in LE, which is commonly the top-tier elements of diablo clones often nowadays.

So any sort of content which focuses more on that is something I personally think would be well received… I for one am more then content running mindless stuff all day long on the other hand, I come to those games to shut my brain off and blast through monoliths with only a few pauses in-between :stuck_out_tongue:

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