Class rebalance "Sentinel"


All cyclones are too weak, improvements needed:
Skill “Warpath”:
:white_circle: Correction of a bug when this skill is supported, the skill with the passive tree “Healing hands” - passive “Clerics Hammer” is not used
Skill properties:
:white_circle: Base damage per second value: 1 → 14
:white_circle: Adding Damage Effectiveness: 60% → 85%
:white_circle: Base attack speed: 1,467 → 1,50
:white_circle: Reduced inflict ailment on hit: 40% → 25%
:white_circle: New property:
:white_small_square: When maintained for at least 3 seconds: reduced damage taken by 15%
Passive skill tree:
:white_circle: From the passive skill tree: “Wind of Justice” Branch to a new passive skill: approximate name “Holy Bond”:
:white_small_square: To learn it, you will need to invest 5 points in the passive skill: “Wind of Justice”.
:white_small_square: Passive skill description: “While spinning, you gain mana every three seconds”
Mana in three seconds for one point: 9-18-27-36-45
:white_circle: Dark Nexus:
Mana in three seconds for one point(2h Weapon): 7-14-21-28-35 → 12-24-36-48-60
:white_circle: Battlemasters Blade:
:white_small_square: Additional new property: Attack speed with two-handed weapons: +5-10%
:white_circle: Path of Fire:
:white_small_square: Sets on fire every 1 second → Sets on fire every 0.3 second
:white_small_square: Increased burn duration on enemies: +30%
:white_circle: Maw of The Deep:
:white_small_square: Hit Damage Per Time Rot: +5-10-15% → +3-6-9%
:white_small_square: Life Leech from Void Damage per Time Rot: +0-0.1-0.2%
:white_circle: Apocalypse Whorl:
:white_small_square: Time Rot Chance: +30% → +50%

These changes will make it possible to create new “Cycloners” assemblies, but for this you still need to create weapons for some assemblies, such as “Smite”, which are given as an example. Also create “Fire Cyclones” and the like, also with new weapons.


                                     Void King

The problems of this class are survivability and low damage.
:white_circle: Time Rot:
:white_small_square: Void Damage Over Time: 45 → 180
:white_small_square: Maximum number of stacks: 12 → 36
:white_small_square: Stun Duration Increase: 5% → 2%
:white_circle: Finality:
:white_small_square: Increased Mellee Void Damage per point: +5-10-15-20-25% → +10-20-30-40-50%
:white_circle: Abyssal Endurance:
:white_small_square: New additional passive ability: Block Chance: 1% Per point
:white_circle: Singular Purpose:
:white_small_square: Reduced Block Chance: -10% per point → Increased block chance +2% Per point
:white_small_square: Reduced Block Effectiveness: -10% per point → Increasing block efficiency +2% per point
:white_circle: Void Blades:
:white_small_square: Mellee Void Damage per point: +3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24 → +6-12-18-24-30-36-42-48
:white_circle: Time Legion:
:white_small_square: Increased Mellee Attack Speed per point: +3-6-9-12-15-18-21-24-27-30% → +4-8-12-16-20-24-28-32-36-40%
:white_small_square: Time Rot Chance per poit: +2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20% → +4-8-12-16-20-24-28-32-36-40%
:white_small_square: Echo Chance per point: +1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10% → +2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20%
:white_circle: Void Aegis:
:white_small_square: Damage reduction while the shield is active: 10% → 20%
:white_small_square: Void Aegis Chance When Hit: 5-10-15-20-25% → 20-25-30-35-40%
:white_small_square: Taking damage to break a shield: 100units → 400units
:white_circle: Essence of the End:
:white_small_square: Increased void damage: +15% → +20%
:white_small_square: Increased melle damage: +15% → Increased melle void damage +20%
:white_small_square: New Passive: Damage Reduction +3%
:white_small_square: Void Essence Chance on kill per point: +4-8-12-16-20% → +6-12-18-24-30%
:white_small_square: New Passive Skill Addition Void Essence Chance on hit per point: +3-6-9-12-15%
:white_circle: Echoing Strikes:
:white_small_square: Echo Chance per point: +2-4-6-8-10% → +4-8-12-16-20%

These changes and innovations will make the Void class playable, and will also create new “Assemblies” of characters for the Blacksmith and Paladin.


                                     Forge Guard

Having lost on the character, and collected him into good things, I came to the conclusion that if you play through a poleboard and without cooldown nodes, there is not enough damage, there is not enough mana. My conclusions:

:white_circle: Fresh from the Forge:
:white_small_square: Fixed an issue where this passive would not work for a skill “Warpath”
:white_circle: New passive ability “Smelters Strike” which can be learned after learning “Smelters Might” with a minimum of 5 points invested. Maximum investment in a new passive property: 10
:white_small_square: Increased physical damage per point: +8-16-24-32-40-48-56-64-72-80%
:white_small_square: Increases fire damage per point: +8-16-24-32-40-48-56-64-72-80%
:white_circle: Molded by the Forge:
:white_small_square: Changing a Passive Attribute: Increased Melee Attack Speed With a 2h Sword per point: +5% → Increased Melee Attack Speed and Fire damage With a 2h Sword per point: +5%
:white_circle: Champion of the Forge:
:white_small_square: Addition to Passive: Increased fire damage when using two-handed weapons per point +10%
:white_circle: Avatar of War:
:white_small_square: Increased Mellee damage per Hit Taken: +1% → +5%
:white_small_square: New addition: Increased Fire damage per Hit Taken: +5%

:white_circle: Forge Strike:
If you transfer this character through a sword/halberd, you need to take a node on “Without Skill Cooldown” where +10 mana consumption, when the skill already has 25 mana consumption. That is, with 35 mana for a skill, which you almost need to spam in order for there to be damage from bleeding dots, but this is impossible, since you will have a maximum of about 20 mana regen on this character, and that’s not a fact…
Skill node rebalance:
:white_circle: “Put to the Sword”
:white_small_square: Add “-60% mana per cast”
instead of 35 mana costs there will be 14, which will allow you to spam this skill with 2 mana regeneration items.
:white_circle: Also node: “Serrated Blade”
:white_small_square: add “Increase multi damage bleeding +0.5 - 1 - 1.5 - 2%: for every 6 - 5 - 4 - 3% resistance per resist cap”
:white_circle: Also, when this skill turns into a halberd: “All fire damage (damage over time too) → physical damage + bleeding damage”
:white_circle: You need to create an artifact like: “Valdyr’s Chalice” But without reflection. But with “+2 Forge Strike”
It is required to reduce the mana cost by playing the halberd. Increase damage.You also need to create a “Sword” or “two-handed sword” aimed at such a build.


                          New Legendary Two-Handed Sword

:white_circle: “Tentacle of the Storm God”
Weapons level 80
:white_small_square: Standard parameters:
Range: 3m
Attack Speed: 1.1
Melee Damage +80
Spell Damage +110
:white_small_square: Legendary parameters:
+1-3 Smite
+120 Spell Damage Lightning
+180-250% Increase Lightning Damage
+10-20% Lightning Damage Leeches Life
+30-40% Chance for double damage from Smite
+30%-40% Chance to cast Smite twice with Warpath
+Each hit from Warpath reduces the time before casting Smite by 0.1-0.2 seconds (Initial value every 1 second)

:white_circle: “Fiery Doom”
Weapons level 80
:white_small_square: Standard parameters:
Range: 3m
Attack Speed: 1.1
Melee Damage +120
Fire Damage +80
:white_small_square: Legendary parameters:
+1-3 Warpath
+1-3 Smelters Wrath
+6-18% Fire Damage Leeches Life
+120-220% Fire Damage
+120-220% Physical Damage
+20-40% Chance to release Smelters Wrath while channeling Warpath when hitting an enemy (Smelters Wrath skill tree works) (Cooldown 1.5-2 second)(Smelters Wrath triggers instantly while channeling Warpath.)
+Smelters Wrath will hit as if fully charged



Increased damage from Cyclone builds.
The overall changes to Void King and “Warpath” will give this subclass survivability and enough damage for a comfortable game, which is currently lacking.
Forge Guard - changes will add better damage if you play with a two-handed sword. Also, changing the “Warpath” branch and adding a new legendary two-handed weapon will give new potential to the class and new builds.
Paladin was also touched upon, changing “Warpath” and adding a new legendary two-handed weapon for this build.
At the moment there are few builds for classes, there are 1-2 of them playable, these changes will give greater variability to the Sentinel class as a whole.

Man I’m not reading all that. You lost me at saying Void Knight(not king) is low damage. And for that reason I’m out.


Sorry, but at the moment Void, as a melee character, doesn’t have that much damage and has no survivability. That’s why I propose to strengthen it with these amendments.

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Great offer. The issue of balancing is relevant, especially at the start of a project

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I didn’t read it all cause I literally can’t. I don’t read ingrish.

But here are my thoughts on 2h crit Forge Guard I main

  • there are literally no usable uniques for the build. Anything that buffs your abilities is a void knight or paladin stuff that makes sure 70% things on it are useless to you. Like Darkstride. Even the one Forge Guard set is only useful to one niche build
  • there is no way to make all your passive DoTs and Forge Blades useful. They literally do nothing when you don’t spec into them
  • Void Cleave fire is a fantastic skill… in fact it’s so good if I had 40 points to spend I’d still not max out it’s usefulness (mainly because you “waste” 4 points just to make it scale with you - aka phys/fire). Even then, it’s a great shame it doesn’t let it actually cale off flat physical damage, only %phys damage (along with melee damage, flat fire and %fire), so even a high damage unique like Leviathan Carver is a lot less useful to scale your damage, leaving you with no legendary option
  • Forge Strike is the opposite of Void Cleave. Its radius is tiny compared to most AoEs (at it’s peak it’s the same as untalented void cleave. Erasing Strike’s base radius makes it a JOKE). It’s so focused on ailments and minions that you barely have options to increase your damage. A lot of nodes in the tree seems counterintuitive or downright traps. Like going up the crit/critmulti branch and ending with tiny radius and crit disabled. Or going for damage and radius and ending up with causing ignite of all things, after a delayed explosion that at best hits bosses because everything else is dead so long after your forge strike.
  • Forge Strike also bugs out constantly. Either it doesn’t play any hit animations (you swing, mobs get deleted as if you used Erasing Strike instead, no fire effect, no damage numbers), or your character plain refuses to use it without a bit of running (I blame the settings option to run up to melee hit enemies) - it worked right in the early access - you just hammered down in the direction of your cursor (since it’s an AOE and not a melee hit). Now your character tries to run within range and hit exactly where you clicked. Potentially dragging you through a group of enemies. Worst of all though is how sluggish it feels. It feels like it puts every other ability on GCD as you have to release all buttons for a second then start attacking again, else you just stand there dumbly as none of your keys work (even if you just held mouse button to move while using FS). Ideally if I’m holding down RMB to repeat Rive, using Forge Strike should just cast Forge Strike and immediately go back to repeating Rive, not have me release both mouse buttons then start again, wasting often a whole second.
  • Unfortunately these 2 skills are kinda the only ones you can use and they both have different scaling I’m pretty sure. Both scale from %phys, but % fire only scales Void Cleave and added flat fire you might have from Temper and on weapon. On the other hand, despite a lot of % phys on your gear, any flat phys dmg doesn’t really scale Void Cleave, other than adding to it, as it’s converted to %fire for void cleave purposes. It’s all very confusing


  • rework Temper to also make Forge Strike scale with %fire like Void Cleave’s Blazing Steel, cause right now the 2 main damage dealers scale with different stats. Temper already gives FS a Fire tag, but I think any fire dmg mods only scale the flat dmg from Temper and not the whole thing.
  • Forge Strike needs straight up more baseline damage, or more crit multi. The only worthwhile crit multi node on the tree though reduces it’s area so much it becomes pretty much a single target ability even after taking all the area size nodes available. This makes it lag so far behind Void Cleave it’s not even funny, and the only saving grace is that using Void Cleave buffs what little Fire tagged damage Forge Strike does by 30% or so.
  • Rive needs a fire conversion talent or idol affix
  • Darkstride’ unique boots modifiers to void should be reworked to apply to void AND fire (or create a mirror unique called Emberstride doing the same but for the fire version of void cleave)
  • unique relic idea: 30-60% necrotic resistance, + 2-4 Forge Strike, disables Forge Blades but each time your skills would summon one, you instead get (for Forge Blade’s duration) a stacking buff adding 5% fire penetration (maximum stacks = maximum forge blades). And lastly Detonating Ground would consume every stack of Ignite on targets it hits to apply equal amount of Armor Shred stacks with 50% bonus duration.
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Void Knight has more damage potential than both of the other masteries. Yes it lacks some survivability, but that is kinda the theme of the class. It only has Health and leech.

If you deal low damage as Void Knight, that is a build issue, not a mastery issue.


I can confirm that Cleric’s Hammer does work with Warpath, but it procs only once when you first hit with Warpath. It is worded the right way also as to imply that. “When you directly use an attack and hit at least one enemy, use Healing Hands.” You aren’t “directly using” it again while spinning constantly.

so not only the damage is increased in the proposal, so is the survivability, but the same blacksmith in fact has nothing compared to Void. but in fact, 80% of Legendary items simply do not work or are useless. The new two-handed sword for Warlock is also useless, for example, and there are many legendaries that do nothing. The variety of builds is poor at the moment, especially for the Blacksmith or Paladin. Blacksmith either through calls or through charging a skill… Paladin almost all skills are built on the “Hammer Throw”. Not all the proposals that were indicated will be noticed at all… But the proposal to create new weapons that will create new diversity, and changing the “Warpath” will also affect this.
But I will say that Void needs to add defensive mechanics or strengthen the defensive mechanics in the tree that already exist. Let’s look at ranged classes that deal a ton of damage and have insane survivability! You say that Void has very poor survivability, but has huge damage, but where is he? Void is a melee character, he needs survivability in any case, if he doesn’t have it, he’s like a melee character dead, it’s like in POE they nerfed all the melee builds, took away the damage, nerfed survivability = they stopped playing for them. So here, there is no damage, no survivability compared to many other classes, especially long-range ones.
People’s logic is this: Melee class should have survivability, damage should be average. Ranged classes should have poor survivability but high damage. In fact, now a mile of classes like Void have neither this nor that. When the Far classes have everything, and they cannot be killed at 2000+ karapta even…
Here, if you kill distant classes in survivability, but leave that damage, people will start writing that they cannot play for them since any “poke” will shoot them. It’s exactly the same here…
Don’t get me wrong, when a character is in the lower tier category, you need to think about it.
There is also a variety of builds, not 2 players or 2 players but almost the same.
I have more than 15 years of gaming experience… from MMO, MMORPG, ARPG and so on, and I can say a lot… I immediately see flaws, and I see shortcomings… At the moment there are many of them…

Yes, hence why the DoT stuff should get buffed a bit, no? If one entire build path deals almost no damage it’s not just a “build issue” imo. It feels more like a “the base design of the skill doesn’t have high enough numbers”-issue

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And I ask you, as the game administrator, to provide evidence of your words.

  1. Who are you currently playing on = provide evidence for this, start a stream on Twitch, etc.
  2. What server are you playing on? Beta or Release.
  3. What did you compare this class with?
  4. Why did you conclude that Void has more damage than Paladin?
  5. Why does Void have worse damage while the Paladin has enormous damage (killing bosses at 800+ carapt in 2-3 seconds) while having huge defensive mechanics?
  6. Bring your builds to the Void on which the Void will be playable, maybe we don’t know them, only the developer. (for us to check your build)

There are other points, but they will be indicated after the current ones.

You’re nuts! Has the strongest skill in the entire game (Volatile Reversal). Forge Guard could use some love, but Void Knight, Paladin, and Sentinel as a whole are incredibly strong. Offensively and Defensively.

I am not a developer, not sure how you came to this conclusion.

I am not talking about specific builds, but generally Void Knight has more damage. Only the echo mechanic of VK alone already is ~10-40% more dmg, which is huuuuuge.

Void Knight can just do this as much as Paladin, if you build it right.

It actually works - once for each time you start to channel it. It does not proc on repeated channel attacks by design. Maybe it could be adjusted to proc with every 3rd hit from Warpath.

The fact that you don’t have to stand still at all with warpath is a huge advantage of Warpath itself.

I don’t want to play Hammers, monotony. Answer all questions please.

Go stream for Void Knight 500+ corruption

Start a stream as you complete 100,500+ carapts on Void. And don’t write anything about Void and other classes on the forum. You closed 58 carap! How can you judge something about classes and write something about them?! If you only played the story and that’s it.

I mean you don’t know me, so I can’t be that mad about it.

But saying that I have not played VK more than just through the story is kinda funny. Everybody who knows me will get a laugh out of this :smiley: (Hint: Erasing Strike is one of my absolute favorite skills in the entire game).

But demanding that someone needs to stream or proof something does not really make your points any stronger, quite the opposite for me.

I am sorry to disappoint you, but I will not do a private showcase just to disprove your point. Have a nice day.


That’s not a bug. A channelled skill is only “used” when you start channelling it.

Also not a bug. Did you know that if Warpath is the proccing/consuming skill that all hits are buffed by Fresh from the Forge?

I am disappoint!

Edit: TBF, it’s not unreasonable to ask for evidence from someone making what one would think is an unreasonable/incorrect assertion.

So clearly the VK is lacking both damage & survivability. Though that they’re mostly using HH is a bit disappointing.

I did an experiment to see how strong I could get, using only free gear purchased from the MG Bazaar.

  • Only gear purchased for 0 gold from the Bazaar
  • Exalted bases for LP slams must also be 0 gold
  • No re-tries on missed LP slams, one attempt only
  • Idols purchased at 25k gold or less
  • Not allowed to use stuff I find
  • Melee build
  • No Ward
    My weapon of choice was Bonk Knight (Erasing Strike VK): Build Planner

@bokchoy making a VK with no ward and only cheap gear from MG hitting 700+ Corruption.

Thrift Shop Challenge VK


What is up with you reviving months old threads the last couple of weeks?

For me it is a matter of attitude. The OP’s attitude is something I don’t like and they even pinged me on the LE discord and tried to publicly denounce me for making such claims.

On top of that, we are here in a video game forum and not some scientifically accurate publication. I am not here to provide evidence for all my claims. If someone don’t believe me, well bad luck.
This is the same with people wanting “official sources” when they ask a question and oyu answer it along the lines of “the devs said XYZ in the past” and they want the official statement from a dev or other official source.

I am not here pulling stuff out my ***. If I don’t know something for sure I will make that very clearly and not do absolute statements.

If that is not enough for people, I can’t help them.

Fair enough.

Yes, but if you were to say that Harvest was the most OP skill in the game, people would either think you were talking shit or want something to back the claim up. Just because it’s a game forum doesn’t mean one can say whatever one wants without being called on it (certain individuals are full tinfoil hat & good examples of this).