Circle of Death - Shade of Orobyss

This is his ability that has three concentric circles and the voice line “Oblivion”.
Either the hitboxes, visuals, and timing are desynced or this skill is just completely broken.

The first way I tried to dodge was standing in the second circle and moving into the first (outside) when it goes off. The visuals show there being enough timing, but when the 3rd circle goes off it actually explodes the outside as well even though there is no visual there at all. 3-to-2 dodge seems to let you dodge the attack, but half a second later you get hit by a phantom 4th explosion with no visual indication at all.

This was so annoying to die to something I obviously didn’t get hit by (and lose my Gaze) made me spend the next hour playing around with it and recording attempts to see how it worked, unsuccessfully. Sorry for the music in the background, it is way too much work to set up VUmeter for this.

The first ~1 minute is just a showcase of what it looks like the one attempt where it actually didn’t kill me (and I almost die messing with my recording settings). The rest of the video is the other attempts where I just fall over and die out of nowhere or others where I do the same exact thing and don’t get hit. Some of them you can argue are latency/close calls but several of them are just hilariously bad like where the skill is clearly over, he autoattacks me and then I take a giant hit and die from Circle of Death out of nowhere.

There was a topic on this skill a long time ago Shade Of Orobyss Circle of Death Ability Is Bugged - Will Hit You Even If You Dodge - #3 that didn’t get a reply. toastythebold seems to have the same issue yesterday judging by discord.

If you do get this ability on your Shade if you start the fight due South (6 o’clock) and then 3-2 dodge and end up somewhere between 3 and 5 at the edge of the arena you don’t seem to get hit. Just hope you can burst him down before it does it again or have enough EHP to tank a hit.

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I had this bug too… died to the phantom 4th hit, although it seems like you can avoid the phantom AOE by running super far from orobyss. It does not seem possible when he’s in the middle of the arena. I was playng werebear so I just iframed with my howl for the phantom 4th hit.

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Same issue for me aswell, happens consistently every single time

I am getting this same bug no matter where I stand, phantom ring explosion always hits.

We’re working on a fix for this.

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