Chat broken?

Is chat broken for anyone else? I just came back to the game from beta, leveled up a bit, and wanted to party up but I can’t see any chats. The dropdown menu next to the chatbox icon (where you select party etc) in the window doesn’t open it just shows a tiny black sliver when I try to open it. I also can’t whisper or anything to other players.

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same here!


Yep same issue here. It’s affecting party chat, global, and tells. Sent a bug report in game.

Also makes friend’s list show people as offline even when online.


Same here. I got it working once by logging out and back in. Now it will not work even exiting the game all the way and coming back in. Update. I tested and I can get chat in another language. However, when I go back to English my chat is broken again. Not sure how to address this on my end. Any input is appreciated if someone has an idea. Thanks

I know this will not get seen, but an uninstall and reinstall in steam still cannot see english chat. Oh well no friends so I guess its not a huge loss.


I am also having the same problem. Chat window everything is blank. Friends list isnt working.

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This is still an ongoing issue and is making co-op ranging anywhere from less fun to annoying.