Character gone after power outage

I was playing with one of my characters and the power went out. After a while it came back, I rebooted the PC and started playing again with the same character. This happened overall around 4 times in 5 hours. Now the power has been on for a while so I thought I’d play some more. My character is gone. The others are there. 1 in online and 7 in offline. The 8th one is gone. Just gone. Please help.

Edit: I looked in my saves folder and there are files for 8 characters, numbered from 0 to 7. Does that help? Does the game fail to read the file for one of those characters maybe?

Edit #2: I tried deleting all the files named 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_0 - 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_7 (along with their .bak counterparts), except the first one, to see if it is my first character (which is the one that has disappeared). I deleted numbers 1 through 7 and started the game only to find all 7 characters still there. Went back to the save files and saw them all there. Did Steam just replace all the files that had been deleted? Can I stop it from doing that to proceed with my test?

Edit #3: Ok so I’ve disabled Steam Cloud synching and found out that 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_1 is the save file of the missing character. The game just doesn’t seem to be able to read it. There’s a 1CHARACTERSLOT_BETA_1_temp file, which the game does read and it indeed is my character, but it’s quite old. Is the .bak file something like a backup that I can use to see is if it is readable?

Update: Ok so I just deleted “.bak” from the file’s name and confirmed. The game reads it just fine and the character has returned! I just want to leave this here so that it might be helpful in the future.

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