As a long time RPG enjoyer one of the most fun parts of this genre to me is the ability to feel my character unique. Not only through build but especially through character creation. My favorite ARPGs are Diablo 4 and Lost Ark because of this. After Diablo 4 redactor came out I couldn’t play previous game anymore.
I want LE to be better than all these other games, so I want to be able to do character customize.
I don’t ask about both genders for all classes because this indeed can be very costly, but ability to change hairstyle, hair color, face features would be very nice!
I prefer handcrafted characters with a strong personality over a fully customizable character.
I really like the Motion Comic Intros, that introduce the characters.
I would actually love getting more of these during the story or at the end.
Personally I don’t see the point in that in a game where all those things are covered by armour for the majority of the time & there are no cutscenes that use the player character. It works in D4 because the cutscenes all use your character.
I’d imagine that changing this would probably be quite expensive at this point rather than building the character data to be able to do it from the start.
Time changes, it kinda became standard for the genre nowadays:
Lost Ark
all have this feature
I don’t want our great game to lag behind
Of the 4 games you selected, 2 are P2W and one is a mega-company. They all have huge amounts of money and resources to spend on those things.
The only one that could be comparable to EHG is Wolcen and that game was a mess of bugs, due to promising more than they could deliver.
It’s possible we’ll eventually get that in the future in LE, but it’s a huge feature that requires lots of time and resources to implement. Further aggravated by the fact that this is not a universally required feature, since many players couldn’t care less about it and would rather have more gameplay features in the game.
While we can see that this is something you think is a net positive for the game.
I think a hand-crafted character with predetermined characteristics and voice can make the game feel more coherent.
Some blank character slate that can be replaced by anything you want does not purely has upsides.
Also the argument, because other games did it, is not really a big argument on its own.
So if the only time you’d actually see the hair/etc is on the character creation screen, that’d be ok and would be a good use of resources? Though to be fair, that would be cheaper then having them visible in-game/in cinematics.
now i wont say its a game changer but it is fun
I always like to watch over my character up close - in Titan’s Quest, in Diablo 3.
I always can’t get argument at all
So if the only time you’d actually see the hair/etc is on the character creation screen, that’d be ok and would be a good use of resources? Though to be fair, that would be cheaper then having them visible in-game/in cinematics.
This is the case for the first person games like Cyberpunk or Outer Worlds, but here you see you character all the time, if someone don’t rotate camera to see their character’s face don’t mean everyone does
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