Chaos Bolts tooltip bugged


strong text

As you may noticed the Warlock skill Chaos Bolts does not have any damage tooltip.
I assume this is on your radar and will be fixed soon?!

[Soul Stealer, info text was fixed]



bump, is the mana regen on cooldown? so confused

bump, is the mana regen on cooldown? so confused

Would make sense since the mana regen and both cooldown increase but would be dumb IMO. It’s just a simple mana regen increase which is not even that big to justify that enormous cooldown.

Maybe its just a tooltip error. But if not they need to at least show for how long this manaregen on cooldown is active.
Also Chaos Bolts tooltip still not fixed.

Would love to see both of these addressed please.

Bump, the tooltip is very unclear as to what the passive does.

Really wishing we had tooltip dps for Chaos Bolts as well. Please add this


Please, fix Soul Stealer or add a description of what is on “cooldown”. It’s not clear at all, the description says that the cooldown is 3 seconds.

Bump, would really love the Chaos Bolts tooltip damage fixed, it’s very frustrating not knowing how certain things are impacting its damage sometimes.

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I hope they fix this soon. I’m also wondering about Soul Stealer as well…

Bump, get on it devs

bump for soul stealer, would like some sort of response would be nice

Another bump for the Soul Stealer description. It doesn’t make sense to me. Why would the cooldown increase as you add skill points?

Your answer can be found here:

According to the developer, the cooldown effect line is just a typo, it doesn’t do anything.

Hope they fix it

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having the same issue for Chaos Bolts today.

Actually, i am having the same issue with Summon Bone Golem as well. The dps in tooltip in my skillbar is greyed out too.

Devs, please fix these 2 asap as without these 2, i cant make meaningful comparisons between 2 items.

Thank you!

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Noticed the same issue. New to the game and having a hard time determining gear. Chaos bolt is my main spell and it’s the one which doesn’t have any dps estimates. I don’t care how accurate it is really compared to other spells. Just that if the value goes up or down when I put on different gear.

Summon Bone Golem isn’t bugged, minion skills in this game don’t show DPS at all since it’s a separate entity dealing the damage.

Still bugged after the recent patch.