Channeled Skills Stutter/Cooldown before they get going

So, playing around with channeled lightning blast and disintegrate on separate occasions, I noticed a weird almost like stutter. With lightning blast it was more of a nuisance, with disintegrate its worse because of the minor cooldown. When I point at an enemy in range and use the skill, it will do like a one shot and not actually channel the skill.

It’s hard to see in the video i created but I did catch it a few times. Around 30-32 seconds in is a good example of that weird stutter. It also happens really early on at the 2-3 second mark. It happens enough that its made me want to steer clear from channeling.

I’ve tried to reproduce this issue but haven’t been able to. The only time I could replicate something like that is if I released the key for a channeled skill almost immediately after starting.

If you have any ideas on what could be causing this I’m happy to test further, but I can’t see anything wrong currently.

Have you tried binding the skill to another key? It’s possible that your mouse might be having issue and is occasionally “double clicking” and thus causing the spell to misfire.

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