Hello. I would like to propose some changes to the game, mainly related to itemization. These are a few ideas.
1)First change
Unique items.
Possibility to decompose a unique item into shards corresponding to a given item (the higher the LP rank of the item, the more shards, a system similar to exalted items). Then the possibility of using them on the same type of item for improvement. In the first phase, it would be increasing the basic statistics to the maximum for a given item. In phase 2, it is possible to upgrade items to legendary ones (lp0-lp4). Of course, this would require a very large number of shards so that the game is not too easy. This is to reduce the rng while maintaining the grind. An advantage would also be the feeling of progress over a long time than relying on luck and using unique items from the drop in your craft. Upgrading unique items to legends could be done in the Sanctuary of Time (instance level corresponding to legendary power).
2)Second change
Exalted Items - using exalted items as the basis for a legendary item.
This system would consist in the fact that, in addition to the possibility of breaking a exalted item into individual shards (so far), it would also be possible to obtain ready-made statistics from it (new material). It could be, for example, an improvement stone with 4 statistics of a given item. We could use these statistics in the Sanctuary time to create legendary items. This would be done as before. This system would simplify the storage of item databases. It would not change anything in terms of randomness except greater order.
3)Third change
A new rare item that would clear failed statistics on a legendary item. No explanation needed here.
All. Thank you for every positive and negative feedback.
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