Change Skill icon when you convert element

Will be wanderful if the skill icon would change when your change the element. For example volcanic orb fire to ice.


I think this is a neat idea.

It would be nice, indeed!

But this is a purely cosmetical with little QoL feature. Not sure the devs have stuff like these as priorities, and such, probably wonā€™t come really soon, given itā€™s not even mentioned in the Roadmap. Maybe they might change something on 1.4 when they gonna add Skill Sigils and Transmog and Dye systems.

So yeah, really great but we gonna have to wait a little.

There are many small things they change, even for QoL, that arenā€™t a part of the roadmap. Like the recent changes to how mana is displayed or LP in loot filter.
The roadmap only has the important systems planned, which doesnā€™t mean ā€œsmallerā€ QoL things arenā€™t being added as well.

That being said, it really is a very low priority thing, but would also be a nice thing to have.


The roadmap only mentions ~10 thingsā€¦

Who are you & what have you done with Bronco. Iā€™m not saying Iā€™m willing to pay the ransom, just for curiosityā€™s sakeā€¦


Never let them know your next move.

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