Chain casting spirit plague does not apply poison

Using spirit plague with toxic transmission (3 poison stacks on enemies you inflict with spirit plague) and if I don’t move in between casts the poison will not apply. If I move a little bit after every cast it applies most of the time and stacks the poison correctly (the targeting is still a little wonky feeling and misses sometimes even if I’m hovering over the enemy).

It feels like a pretty hard nerf to the mechanic since spirit plague seems designed to cast very fast and apply debuffs/poison.


I noticed the same for Bleed stacks. They don’t applied even with this small movement steps. If you have more than ~ +50% cast speed it stops applying bleed/poison. It feels like it is related to Spirit Plague animation (animation should be finished before new bleed stacks will applied correctly)

UPD: Bleed stacks on you applies correclty (on cast) when bleed stack on enemies applies wrong (on animation end)

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Same as OP.

I recently started playing and chose Lich as my first class, opting for a Dot/Ailment build. Early on it was going well and I could tell that the build would be powerful and fun, then I get a Murama’s Hilt and suddenly my damage drops super hard. After testing on a training dummy, I realized that not only were my stacks not applying, absolutely nothing was happening so long as I was continuously casting Spirit Plague.

There are even people from the guild guide that I was following saying they’ve experienced the same thing or similar.

Discussion section of the build guide.

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Having the same issue. Cant spam cast for application of ailments, feels really bad.

Not only does the ability not apply poison stacks correctly, it also straight up doesnt work against Scorpions. It deals exactly 0 damage to them.

I kind of suspect that after reaching a certain cast speed the ability doesn’t finish the cast correctly anymore. During the campaign I didn’t feel like anything was off with it.

I’m having this same issue, once i get enough cast speed the poison and other ailments stop applying unless I slow it down by staggering the casts or reduce cast speed

Here’s to hoping the devs see this post and are able to fix the bug in the next patch.

Scorpion bug has been fixed as of patch notes of 1.0.7, hopefully devs will soon fix the chain casting bug as well