Celestial Doom Build Ideas?

I got the new unique staff along with a decent Mana/Mana Spent Gained as Ward affix.

I haven’t been able to find any builds around this and I’m struggling to figure out what to do with it just testing myself. Although honestly it’s hard to tell if anything is working, the gear is kind of skuffed for now since I’m converting this over from another sorc I had started.

Current gear, ignore the skills/passives, that’s what I’m trying to figure out.

My initial thought was to try Elemental Nova since it’s all 3 types, so I don’t have to cycle through a bunch of different spells, but it’s really low mana cost, so it doesn’t really take good advantage of the mana spent gained as ward stuff or the effects that trigger when you cast something that’s at least 40 mana. The only increases to it’s mana costs on it’s tree are either +10 from glacial might, which only gets us to 16 mana or Luminaire bringing it to 48 mana per second, but channeling only triggers the effect once, so it kind of defeats the purpose of using ele nova for this in the first place.

Since it has to be direct casts, I can’t do something like having a few spells like triggering each other, so something like Harbinger of the Stars doesn’t really make sense here.

In general though it seems difficult to build around the proc part anyway since even with 3 elemental types you spend a lot of time not getting Doom Pulses if you are casting fast enough. But if it’s not feasible, idk that I’m that interested in building around the staff just for the max mana gain stuff on it’s own.

It doesn’t really seem like a build defining unique. But I’d probably just cycle between Glacier, Volcanic Orb, and Static Orb.?

I am just curious what the proc itself looks like. Many of them seem good on paper, then when you see them in game, they are bad cause they dont pierce, have shitty aim, etc.

So yeah sorta need to see the proc before id even consider it. if you have it and dont mind id love to see the proc just for personal reasons lol.

As for build, id ignore the weird mana stacking stuff, and just do ele nova for ease of use. And remember, even if your cost isnt big, if you cast that cost fast you get the same amount of ward. 50% of mana spent is 50% of mana spent. if you spend 50 in one cast, or 16 x 3 a second you are getting comparable ward.

The proc is a bit on the small side. I do kind of wonder if its worth it. Here, I just recorded a video: https://youtu.be/cBSkAnUKdyc

Curiously, even though I’m wearing the helmet that makes it always tri-ele, it doesn’t actually have the lightning tag without the point in Lightning Nova, so it’s only casting twice. Got to go level up the skill.

Yeah… see thats what I mean, that proc assuming you are getting 3 every 4 seconds, thats a proc every 1.33 seconds the like actual dps it adds probably isnt that great because you dont get to spec it at all, no more multipliers… and its size is nothing to write home about. just feels so unimpactful.

Really wish they were not so “cheap” with procs from items and let you have more fun with them, would this proc really be broken if you could cast it with no cooldown and build around an end game boss item? like mannn. And yet some items/procs they let you go crazy with like the new palarus sword lets you proc smite on melee hit 3x a second, or 1 proc every 0.33 seconds and its a skill you can spec!!! seems ridiculous.

But what can you do, thanks for the video at the very least it seems okayish in size and speed. just a shame its so restrictive.

Yeah this really frustrates me when game designers are this conservative. Let people have fun with things. Capping it off just cuts off the dream. Like did someone test the item and come away thinking that looked cool or powerful?

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Update: This is what I have at the moment. Initially it looked even dumber because I was also rotating meteor into the build, but Flame Ward can proc the fire part anyway, not as often, but probably good enough. So the loop ends up being using static orb into cold converted lightning blast that replenishes some of the mana from static orb. It’s hard to tell how it’s doing because the gear is so jank. But it does produce a lot of ward and it kind of sometimes deals damage.

Doom Pulse itself is a void spell https://www.lastepochtools.com/skills/doom_pulse

so maybe… void knight? Like this - https://www.lastepochtools.com/planner/o3PDpKEA
3 elements spells

As others already said, it’s not going to work as a main skill due to the cooldown restrictions. So at best you gain an extra damage and “hit” source.

Your lvl 89 planner is lacking crit chance sources, Doom Pulse can crit and the staff gives you 1:1 mana regen into % crit multiplier for Doom Pulse, so best choice is any hit-based build that scales crit chance.

An incredibly short-sighted statement, considering the huge bonuses from Max Mana for the spell in question.

Spell tags for Celestial Doom are Void, Spell, Intelligence, so Void Knight kinda gets disqualified for the lack of INT.

Am I gonna be able to get enough crit on the build in general? Its a 2H staff, so I can’t use the spell crit catalyst or the new spell crit sceptre. Is there anything I can do aside from just finding more increased% crit chance everywhere? I also kind of wonder if the Vessel of Strife Regen Stuff is worth or not. I was kind of using it because I had it from another build and it has the void damage stuff on it, but maybe its taking up too much room when the mana to ward stuff might be enough.

First things that come to mind for base crit would be Locket of the Forgotten Knight (only for Void skills) and Prismatic Gaze

My best guess, this item is being made for cycle 1.3 specifically. They promised we would be able to unlock new spells and abilities. My guess, this one is made for void knight (void mage). My best guess, some kind of elemental nova.

Maybe from exiled mage tree of some kind. That would make sense for void smite.

Not likely. I mean, they might do something to augment these uniques, but at a first glance this unique is no different from Ucenui’s Sphere that references Water Orbs which are a thing that doesn’t exist outside this unique. And the sphere has been around for years now.

It’s just a twist where a unique adds a unique buff that is self-contained in that unique. You can work around it to try to increase stacks/bufffs/bonuses, but it’s self-contained.

I would assume your right. But if mike said that post 1.0 they are multi tasking, i could see it happening here. Makes sense to release an item first to have it tested before making skills.

Its possible i lack the mental ability to see how to use this item. Gonna think on it

Here i managed to make something. Idea here is to add void damage to each hit, making void damage proc constantly. This meant using elemental nova, with a hybrid sorc, and runelord.

This build uses runebolt to generate mana and runes, and uses runic invocation for boosts in damage. Its scuffed but would work.

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I mean more in the “trying to spend lots of mana to get ward and max mana” think of those as bonuses since they will happen regardless of how much you try and milk them. you still want max mana, but dont focus on mana cost.

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Ah I think I understand you. So you’d end up focusing a lot around cast speed to spend that mana fast?

Yeah, trying to juggle the cost of like meteor or glacier will end with you getting less procs with slower casting clunky spells that you have to rotate.

or you can just get a 10+ cost ele nova and blast it as fast as possible, you might end up with less ward/max mana by a bit, but you will still gain extra stats. also opens up stuff like twisted heart.

Interesting. Don’t have a Runemaster so might take a while to try it out.

Absolutely, Sorc is a crit powerhouse. You can invest in Runeword: Cataclysm and Crackling Precision, even Knowledge of Destruction, and you can optimize your gear. For example:

That planner puts you above 50% spell crit. Without Prismatic Gaze.

Moreover, many spells have base crit chance in their passive trees, so you can easily make them 100% crit. For example the Lightning Blast you were already using.

If you were to use Glacier instead, you could now regain 1% max mana on Crit, easily sustaining itself and other big spenders. It comes with up to +12% base crit chance, so with all the crit sources I added to the planner, Glacier would be nearing 200% crit chance. Obviously you don’t need that much, so you could easily remove some of the crit sources and focus on other stats.