Celebrating a Milestone - 1 Million Copies of Last Epoch Sold!

Congratulations to you and all of us :slight_smile:

A well deserved milestone for an example of all that’s best in ‘Early Access’ development of a game that deserves to do even better … here’s hoping the second million sells very soon. :slight_smile:

In a world where most ‘AAA’ releases are ‘live service’ piles of garbage LE stands head and shoulders over most.

Congratulations to all at EHG.

Congratulations! :confetti_ball: :tada:

Congrats guys! Glad to be a part of it. :tada:

Well Derserved!


Hell ya congratulations. Been playing since 2019. This game has come a very long long way since.

Well deserved



Well done EHG
Been a ride for a few years now & have totally enjoyed every step of the way.
Looking forward to the years to come )

Ps : How about some kit in the shop ? (tshirt I got from Sarno is getting a bit daggy))


Well deserved!

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You are doing a great job and for that you are being rewarded. Keep up the good work!

Congratulations, I can’t wait to jump into the release!

Félicitation :slight_smile:

Congratulations EHG! You guys ROCK! Super excited for 1.0 :star_struck:

That is amazing, I am so happy for the devs and it’s completely deserved. Looking forward to what hopefully will be a great launch at 1.0!

Anyone knows what is steam %cut?
If not officially general cut numbers?

Congrats guys, patience and persistance always pays off

Congrats. That’s a lot of pre-orders. :slight_smile: