Cautionary tale

If you think you got an unjustified ban, I recommend you visit and send a request under the topic of reporting & moderation.

Perhaps a mistake happened, or your opinion violated their ToS or community guidelines – I don’t know.

Your posts in this thread don’t help your cause, or to say it more directly, they make it seem unlikely that you were banned for a marginal reason.



Note the word all you yourself used. The thing about inclusiveness is that you can’t exclude anyone. Not even those opinions that might be offensive. Because once you go down that road, you’re not at all being inclusive. You’re actually being exclusive. And this is the true issue with the modern hyper-inclusiveness, the hypocrisy of it. But, well, that’s an entirely different debate. Still… the point remains, censoring someone merely for expressing their opinion is… incredibly dangerous. Freedom of speech, even if technically it does not apply to this platform, since such laws only apply to the public space is, by far, the most important freedom of all. As curtailing it will lead to the end of all individuality.

OK, enough philosophy from me, for now. Just… give it some thought.

I didn’t say anything racist or anything including politics or other games(the things i’d think would constant a perm chat ban)

I supported this game since alpha and spoke to the CEO who was so cool to speak to players in general chat in alpha/beta and experience his experience.

Then I get perma chat banned, sorry but no. As much as it hurts im done with this game. The penalty do not meet the requirements. It hurts.

Yet, my chat is still filled with gold farmers. I’d like to think i got in the crosshairs of the good intentions to stop it.

I meant to mention this, take it as you will at this point; I’m not a racist or anything spiteful that contributes to such hate. Thats why i loved this games community in alpha or beta. Then something changed.

Now though, Yea i’m going to go back to playing warhammer 40k matyr and even Diablo 4 eve though i was one saying don’t mention it.

Their PTA, next patch is game changing and only closing that gap which makes this game great. Limited amount of team and they did great.

Good luck and it is a great game, hope it last against the competitors, if not you will be another tech company consumed and mechanics integrated.

Yes, it’s great that you know the dictionary definition of the word “inclusive” is, but that isn’t what “inclusive” means when used in modern vernacular, and you know it. You’re being obtuse, and you’re doing it on purpose, and it’s not as wise as you seem to think it is.

No, it isn’t. At all.

There are only two kinds of people who make this argument in 2024 - Those who want to freely say offensive things that shouldn’t get to be said, and those who are simple enough to believe the Motte and Bailey bullshitting used by the former. Which are you?


There is only one type of person who would say that, in 2024… or, well, any period of time really… the foolish. Allow me… to completely ignore you from here on in. Because, well… I detest boundless human stupidity. It offends me. :wink:

Unrestricted inclusiveness and tolerance is the death of a somewhat functional society.

And if you are inclusive/tolerant of all opinions, then you are also accepting opinions that undermine tolerance/inclusiveness.

Not every opinion or behaviour is tolerable, a certain level of moderation important, especially in regard to how and where the opinion is shared.

Even a valid and neutral formulated opinion has the wrong time and place to be said.
If people start arguing about politics (for example) at a party I host and the mood turns sour, I give them a warning first and a boot second, so the remaining guests can keep having fun.

Moderating a chat in a video game is not incredibly dangerous and endangering the freedom of speech at large. It’s a reasonable thing to do.

We have no clue what the OP said and how, but I tend to agree with @BroncoCollider’s sentiment that people tend to lie about why they got banned or downplay their behaviour quite a bit. There might be exceptions – they can appeal ban/moderation using the support system.


Someone working from incomplete information from a potentially unreliable source (“trust me bro, I wasn’t being an arsehole”)?


wow, i can give you the perfect example. I get banned again from chat this time with screenshots and an explanation.

I dont know how to post screenshots but: it starts with me asking chat is it ok to talk about what i think. the reply was yes. it was about a SNL sketch, how this dad goes out of his way to pay for his daughters intuition fees at a university, n he goes like hell nah she better not be wasting my money protesting.

So apparently there are chat moderators who just suck and are sensitive.

Listen man, 3 days until D4 new season comes out with game changing mechanics they stole from this game. I love this game to death but tiniest of stuff makes me lose hope when the competition is stepping up.

come may 12th I’ll be playing Diablo for sure. They actually learned.

That must be the fees to learn women’s intuition…

[Sorry, I know it is bad to laugh at innocent language mistakes, but this one was cute. And the whole thread is a joke anyway, might as well lighten the mood.]

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That’s as simplistic as it gets. Who decides what is offensive? I’m offended by anyone who thinks we need to change the names of sports teams because Native Americans are somehow upset by them (which is completely not the case, according to most polls). Does that mean we can perma-ban anyone mentioning the Washington Commanders, or Cleveland Guardians?

The problem with your statement is that the people deciding what’s offensive, generally aren’t even the people/groups being referenced. We have an entire social morality industry, that goes around being offended on behalf of those they feel need their protection. So who knows what is really offensive, from one chat/forum to the next?

Some topics should be uncomfortable, to the point of being offensive. That’s how progress is made. But, I will concede that a game-chat probably isn’t the most appropriate place for those discussions.

your absolutely right. But i got banned from chat remember. Over censorship is out of hand then when you distribute it to a few individuals. Well…we seen what happen with over happy power people like mods in discord man.

Funniest joke i heard from last year was; “Scientist found out women live longer then men” , no kidding that’s because every time we have to hear your little BS stories we die a little inside each time.

I said that in chat before, no issue. I was logged on during the wrong time with the wrong moderator apparently. No issue new season of D drops soon. you made my choice easier.

There’s another 2. Just saying (though I agree with you completely, why some people get all emotional about it I don’t know).


My point is that it’s not a server choice, it’s a person choice. And especially when you have no idea if that person is male or female, it doesn’t even have to do with anything other than just saying what gender they have, so that people will know how to address them.

But, you know, mountains and molehills and such.


I got off the Discord when MP dropped back in beta. This thread, and the content of the OP, is precisely the reason why. Some people like that environment and I’ve got no problems with people who do. But if you want to play in the world, you’ll need to play by the rules given. It’s EHGs Discord. It’s not a public square. It’s more like the living room of someone’s home. It’s not a 1A issue (for those of us in the States) and if it’s something that bothers you, don’t participate. If you want to participate, participate by the rules. Its simple really.

I personally think EHG has been pretty darn lenient about dropping the hammer and based on that I’d be inclined to think that when they do, it’s most likely really ‘over the line.’


It’s always funny when bigots complain about the presentation of pronouns - which doesn’t affect them in any way - like they aren’t outing themselves as bigots when they do it.

There’s nothing more to it than those people being bigots.


What does it tell us that they use the name of an Archangel, literally meaning “God is my strength”? ^^

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