Cant use shadow cascade and synchronized strike

Hi. i can’t use shadow cascade and synchronized strike. it do some animation but no dmg.

problem solved

Hey man, how did you fix it? I just got my Bladedance up and running, but now I cannot use synchronized strike X) I really don’t want to start a new char when I just got this working. Any help would be really appreciated ^^

nvm was able to fix it by removing 1 skill point from a node and just leveling it back up. it is not a great solution but it does mean the build is not borked.

I seem to be in the same state with shadow cascade, I re-did my passives and once I finished Shadow Cascade just does the animation but takes no mana and does no damage. If I use shift then it does proc. I tried removing a skill point and leveling it back but it didn’t work. Ended up de-specializing and picking it back up but it still won’t work. Anyone else running into this or have a work around?