Can't unsee CH.5 to Ch.6 cutscene

Had not played through campaign in quite a while. EHG, what was that? With all your improvements to game animations i hope you are able to have better cutscenes than this in the future.

That’s because all the budget and efforts have gone to a cinematic just a bit further down the road. You’ll see, in chapter 7 there is a fight between two gods; that’s where the magic happens!


Sadly, I kinda agree.
I found the chapter 9 cutscenes not bad at all when they came out, decently written and realised, and I was hopeful back then when they were saying they would bring the older chapters up to the same standards. But the new ones are absolutely dreadful in both areas (writing and animation).
Hard to see why we went backwards so much in quality. Maybe the team who made chapter 9 was fired or left? Or their budget was cut down so much they couldn’t do anything (although I believe you can do better writing than that with near-zero budget)?

Being able to skip in-game (not cinematic) cutscenes would be nice.