Cannot wait for D4 season 4

What i noticed is that in the general gaming community your game is either in the top10 or the “game is dead!” There is no between. There are a lot of games with small numbers, running for years with content updates. LE Numbers aren’t small yet. Its still in the Top50 on Steam while a major competitor has released a major update.

I think we can all agree that the game released to early. Missing QoL Features, the broken Builds that killed the leadersboards day 1, the gold dupe, massive balance issues and not working skills hurted the game a lot. Still, if the game has a future we will only see when the next cycle drops. What changes the Devs are able to bring in that timespan and how many players will try it out.

I am genuinely excited for S4, simply because LE’s endgame does not excite me anymore. But to say it with Arnold’s words: I’ll be back :wink:

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