Cannot enter the Rotting Hoard echo Fight - 1058 Stability

I changed mode to full screen to see if that improved my GPU performance (game was crashing every time between 45 and 10% health remaining, GPU overheating), when I clicked enter it makes the sound and then does nothing at all just sits there with the enter button (waited for 5 mins to see if it would load), changed back to borderless window, restarted PC and game several times, still cant get into the boss fight, no idea what to do next

Empowered monolith echoes in the timeline still work fine, I just cannot fight the bossā€¦

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Same exact issue here, but I didnā€™t change any settings recently.

You need to do the first two pre-bosses

What, in empowered?


Not in empowered rifts.

Its a bug since the release. You need to do the two prequests in empowered as well to be able to kill boss


I should never have doubted you! It works lol

thatā€™s weird, I have been farming him for weeks, today was the first time I couldnā€™t just kill him without the optional quests, there was a small patch though I believe,

thanks I had done one of them but not the other in an attempt to ā€œresetā€ it