Edit: Thank you everyone for talking me off a ledge lol. I was freaking out because I didn’t understand something. Making more sense now, thanks!
I was reading another thread about losing echo rewards. I agree - if this is permanent you can F alllll the way off. HARD. For a game where you have to spend all this time grinding, wtf. Ok. Calming down
I’m hoping that they come back? Like if you run them a few times? Or do you see the same rewards on other nodes?
Also, if you beat the node and die in it later, do you still lose the reward?
They should explain the rules better…it was a stupid silly reason for dying, I went back and did the node no problem the second time around…but I literally died on the one that had rewards I wanted, the rest I don’t care about.
Do multiple nodes carry the same bonuses?? can I find another? Thanks.
They don’t come back ever, but there are lots of other echoes with the same reward. The mono web is very big. And if you reset it (incrementing or decrementing corruption) the whole web is rerolled.
It’s honestly not a big deal.
If you beat the node you can’t rerun it again. Unless you find one the special node that lets you do the same echoes again.
There is literally no other penalty for dying, so overall this isn’t a big issue.
Each individual echo reward is lost, when dying in that echo. You can still re-do that echo and complete it for base rewards, but you don’t get stability and the echo specific rewards.
There is no way to restore this.
The only option would be a Vessel of Memory, which resets all completed ehoes, so you can do them again.
This would work if you compelte the echo (after you faield it first) and then you can reset it.
No, if you complete the objective and then die, you will still get the reward.
Each individual echo rewards is not really a long grind. Losing a single echpo rewads never is a huge setback, because you are farming rewards in the dozens, if not hundreds.
I didn’t realize you can’t re-run them and that there would be others. I’m still new to the game…But a bit of a bummer that the one node I failed was something I wanted! I guess it’s not like it was a guaranteed drop of something good.