Can we get cooldown reduction to affect cooldowns on items too?

Perfect example would be Julra’s Stardial. It would be nice if any CDR you had on would also reduce the cooldown on the stardial from 12 seconds.

It would also be nice if it applied to abilities you get from idols. I’d like to see a way to reduce those 1 second global cooldowns.

Some I think can get a special note to allow them.

others are very clearly balanced around their cooldowns.

Julras stardial is the exact item i think would be silly to let cdr work on. its design space is “really powerful buff but only sometimes”

Sorcs would be able to get it really low with very little down time and would just become part of their “press teleport get buffs” rotation.

Where as things like Alluvion honestly should maybe not scale with cdr, since it wouldnt do enough, but should have its cooldown greatly reduced. make it like 4 a second for its cooldown. So you can burst out three in less then half a second then it cant proc again for another second sorta like how palarus works.

many proc items/abilities dont need cdr, they just need their cds reconsidered.

proc items in general are balanced pretty poorly because they either have 2 low of proc chances, or are not strong enough for mechanics with 0 tree supports.