Can we clean up Character info screens and damage calculations?

Some of the damage calculations seem WAY off of what they should be. Its been bugging me for awhile, also, some skills like the storm totem won’t attack the dummy so you can’t really test damage with it except for just testing it in game.

Its just annoying to not be sure if your really making the best of your build without a dummy that can accurately describe how much damage im doing…

It’s also really annoying to see that the character screen is missing key information like penetrations…


Dummy is useless until a boss dummy is added, its completely misleading

if Manifest Armor can land crits of 200+k on a dummy but then proceeds to hit Orobyss for 20-30k with no defence modifiers how does this help my build or help me make informed decisions when I have to manually lower my DPS by “75-90%”

Also these stupid claims of ‘1 million dps a moment’ build makers when its completely false anyway - the devs need to put a stop to it by adding a real combat dummy not “you can hit for 100k on the dummy your build is good now” but really you hit for maybe 6k in a monolith

@EHG_Mike and co have indicated that they are working on the character sheet & dps tooltips. Updating these things to show “correct” information is not that easy and if I recall there are a few threads going into the various pitfalls of dps calculations based on all the different inputs that need to be considered. If I recall there are some discussions in previous Developer summaries that @AndrewTilley has transcribed for us - here

The dummy isnt much use as a measure of real play damage - this has been discussed a lot before too… Unfortunately what the devs might consider for this particular issue hasnt really been made clear yet - at least I dont recall…

Honestly, there are ways to make the Dummy better.

  1. give it a stat screen, so you can choose its resistances. and other settings
  2. Give it the option to be “x” monsters stats at “x” level.
  3. Start, Stop button.
  4. allow things like Storm Totem and other items to target it.
  5. When you hit the “stop” button, it tells you what spells did what damage via a pop-up screen after you hit stop.

Thats what I’d like to see from a dummy, but thats me.

Sure… When I last participated in a “dummy upgrade topic” the idea was not even this complicated… I think all we wanted was a damage log so that we could “see what kinds of damage/DoTs/etc a char was doing”… but even that was apparently quite a bit of work that the devs really didnt have time for… and considering the Oct Dev announcement from yesterday I am pretty sure any changes to the dummy are at the end of a very long list… if they even are on the list at all…

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