Can Upheaval leech?

Trying to make a squirrel build and replace swipe with upheaval totem to stay away from danger, so I wanted to know if Upheaval can trigger leech and ‘aspects’ like Shark.

upheaval can leech, but not if you build it as a totem. You can’t leech from minion damage, the totems would leech for them self if they had leech. Can’t trigger aspect of the shark from minions, has to be your hit.

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so if I cast upheaval myself i can fully leech and proc all aspects?

yes. for leech you’d need melee damage leeched as health. good starting point for figuring out stuff like this is looking at descriptions like “your next melee attack” from shark in beastmaster passive and comparing it to skill tags (for example “melee” from upheaval). All subskills (like upheaval totem) also have their tags you can view from pressing alt while hovering over the skill node. Wordings matter a lot.

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tried it, still feel like im wearing paper armor.
endurance 60
capped rez
capped anticrit
2k health

dying like a b at 100 corruption. my armor is 23% though, surely it can’t be just armor.

Do you have much sustain? Those stats look ok so I’m surprised you’re dieing unless you can’t really replace tje hp you loose when you get hit.

have you specced in aspect of the boar? its on beastmaster passive.

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