Can the hit that applied ailment also benefit from said ailment?

Curious how the coding works and which happens first. A skill that applies shock and also has a skill node that increased damage against shocked targets, will that skill benefit from itself applying shock?

Which comes first, ailment or damage?

Noone knows?

I do believe that ailment is applied first, then the increase to damage is applied so it will affect the ailment.

Yeah, I was wondering the same thing about curse skills that do extra damage against cursed enemies.

Yep, same concept applies. The curse is applied then the extra damage for the curse.
EDIT: BTW, Curse is just another ailment so all rules for ailments apply.

No, hits & hit damage happens first then ailments & the like are applied. Bone Curse with Cursed Limbs is the most obvious example of this. If you cast Bone Curse “elsewhere” (ie, not on the target just to get Cursed Limbs running) then hit a target you’ll only get 1 damage number but the target gets Bone Curse applied. Then when you hit the target again you get 2 damage numbers, one from your hit & the second from Bone Curse.

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