December 24, 2021, 3:05am
I did read the guide on this website about legendary combining but i still didnt understand so for example i got here 2 rings
So whats gonna happen if i combine them
is my exalt item gonna keep all those mods and it will randomly steal 1 mod from the unique ring and add it to my exalt ring? or wut?
December 24, 2021, 3:10am
First and foremost:
Both of your starting items fulfill all the criterias to be able to make a legendary. (Unique Needs at least 1 Legendary Potetial adn the exalted Items needs 4 non-sealed affixes)
That’s a good first step.
What will happen if you combine them is:
Your Exalted Item will get destroyed
Your Unique Item will randomly gain any 1 of the 4 stats of the Exalted Item
So you will end up with no more exalted item
And your Ribbons Of Blood will have 1 extra stat
December 24, 2021, 3:11am
Ah i see so it keeps unique item stats and steals from exalt item
December 24, 2021, 3:13am
The Unique will keep all it’s stats and will acquire one additional stat (because it has 1 legendary potential).
The exalted item will always get destroyed during this process.
If your unique would have more legendary potential, it would carry over more stats of the exalted item, but it’s always random .
Only if your unique has 4 legendary potential, there is no more random involed, since it will carry over all 4 non sealed affixes
February 22, 2022, 3:13am
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