logged in just to see if my cycle 1 char was migrated to Legacy, since I never play seasons.
char is migrated, but all my items are un-usable, it says need a hiugher faction rank… but I had max faction rank…
anyway, do not bother, this game is dead already, I will not play it anymore, there is no end-game and do not know → fps drop to 10 due toi servers is fixed?
Bad attitude and “ded gaem” aside, please check this post (which I haven’t checked in-game myself) for a solution to your problem
Why do you want to know if things are fixed if you don’t want to play anymore anyway?
Major endgame systems have been added with this patch and every single major patch until 1.4 will contain at least one, if not multiple endgame systems.
Fps drops due to servers doesn’t seems to be a common issue that I personally know about. Performance and server infrastructure is something EHG is constantly working on and improving.
you do not know what an end-game is. new farming activities are not end-game, are just farming activities.
the only end-game in LE is endless Arena with leaderbaords, and here at high leveles with high density mobs(also in high level monoliths) the fps drop to 10-20 and this was reported byt lot of players lot of times, is one of the reasons I stopped to play 2 months ago.
Ye i was just doing some stuff, the latency is so bad the game stops recieving inputs resulting in jarring spikes of movement that is horrible to play around. The issue is entirely absent in offline and other games i played. It feels like unity engine just stuttering over itself like a cheap rag. My pc is not the issue, as i ran BG3 on ultimate at 60fps.
I guess I havn’t played any endgame for the past 3000 hours playtime then. Ok understood.
Apparently I have only been farming. And all the millions of players farming in Rifts, Maps and The Pit also have not played any endgame. It’s all just farming and farming items doesn’t qualify as endgame.
You said “fps issue due to servers”, this sounds like an issue that you only have in online play… I am not sure this exists.
General performance issue do exist and EHG is constantly working on that. I personally didn’t had any major performance issues in LE since years. So what you are experiencing might be a very specific issue that just wasn’t addressed yet.
Exactly. Farming is not end-game, is preparing for end-game.
Pit, maps, Dungeons in D4 are not end-0game, are farming. Greater Rifts in D3 is end-game because when pushing for leaderboards or pushing in party you don’t do that for farming, but for getting a place on leaderboards or proving in party that that you are good. the same for endless LE Arena, I have not push it for farming, but for leaderboardsw and/or testing/proving my build, that is end-game.
You might be very lonely with your definition of what endgame is.
I hope you enjoy your corner.
I never heard someone defining endgame in that way. Ever.
You are confusing endgame with competitive endgame. Because, by your definition, any ARPG that doesn’t have leaderboards also has no endgame.
Endgame is what comes after the fixed objectives are complete. Fixed objectives in LE are campaign and normal monos. Which makes dungeons, arena and empowered monos endgame.
hopefully are you enjoyng playing LE with other 2000players, indead, you are not alone :)) just look at Steam charts man… yes, LE has now an increase in player base due to start of new season, but will be soon dead to 2000 players again. How do ypou explian LE going from 250K player to 2K in 1-2 months? I explain it to you: become quick boring as hell becausze there is no end-game!!!
I said leaderbaords AND also I said playing in party, that’s is the second think which not imply leaderbaords. there can be opther forms of end-game also without leaderbaords.
again: farming is farming, is not end-game, is preparing for end-game.
Again, that is a narrow view of things. If you look at PoE, every endgame mechanic (which the devs call an endgame mechanic and which all the players call an endgame mechanic) are all about farming. They’re about giving you ways to farm better and more efficiently, but it’s still all farming.
Maps, Heist, Harvest, Santum, etc, etc, etc, it’s all about farming, but it’s all endgame.
But you can push monos in a party, so how is that not an endgame activity by your definition?
Anyway, this is a sidetrack from the OP, maybe we should stop splitting hairs and get back to the issue being discussed
By your definition of “endgame” probably 0,1% of the player base are actually playing endgame currently.
There are many players that don’t even finish the campaign or instantly play a new build after finishing the campaign.
There are also many who might only play through normal Monolith and never touch empowered Monolith.
I didn’t say that LE needs more endgame activities or improvements to existing ones.
But your definition of endgame is very strange and only applies to a minor fraction of players even playing the game like that.
Right now farming incremental upgrades during Monolith and Dungeon is endgame, like any other ARPG that has endgame game modes that give you better and better items.
Also you bringing up the player numbers and put them in correlation with this is another case(we had 3 other cases like that in the last few weeks) of completely getting causation and correlation wrong.
what party? is there a party finder in LE? party with who? there are 2000players of LE in total…
and, fps drop to 10-20 will be fps drop to 1-5 in a 4 party group pushing high density mobs…
First off, there are currently 40k people playing right now. The lowest it’s dropped so far is 27k, which was last night when the patch was pushed and servers restarted, which happened at 22:00 and that was the time Steam took the snapshot.
Second, there are lots of people making parties from chat. There’s a specific channel just for that.
Third, not everyone is afflicted with FPS drops. For example, I rarely have any issues regarding that. Even when I play for a long time. So playing in a party is still very much feasible.
It sucks if you’re affected by FPS drops. It’s something they keep trying to improve, though they’re limited by what the engine can do and the vast array of different PC components.
wait 1-2 weeks… in JUune there were 2k players.
It is a server problem. I am on EU West, maybe in US is ok, do not know. I can play D4 online, many other games online, without such issues like in LE and lot of players reported the same.
I am on EU West as well and have no issues. So clearly not a server problem. Server problems don’t usually cause FPS drops anyway, they cause lag/disconnections. FPS drops are almost always hardware related. And it doesn’t usually have to do with “I have a mega uber setup”, lower setup PCs can often run games that have these issues better than higher ones.
As I said, it’s something they’re constantly trying to improve, even though they’re limited by the engine limitations and the amount of different PC components/drivers.
And if you wait 50 years there will be 0 people playing LE, D4, PoE. What does that have to do with what’s being discussed?
At this point you’re just trying to be beligerent for the sake of it.
Which is clearly my job. Honestly, people coming over here & taking our jeeeeerrrrbbbsss…
not 50 years, game is dead already 10k players onlylast day on Steam charts.
to the devs: add end-game not infinite new farming content.
It’s almost like there’s been a disturbance in the force something else happen in the genre (in addition to 1.1 not adding much new content).

add end-game
Like a Pinnacle boss perhaps?
Actually, I’m surprised there are 10k. That is actually a very good number. I was expecting 2-5k when PoE started the league.
Retaining 10k at this point just shows that LE is actually improving.
As for it being dead, yeah, doomsayers like you are always around in every single game, including PoE and CS2. There isn’t a single year that goes by where someone doesn’t make a claim like yours in any live service game.
I highly doubt LE will die anytime soon, since EHG is actually making a good job, as much as that probably irks you.