Can not use cycle 1 items in Legacy

5K now, Diablo 4 Season 5 started. Diablo 4 has 27K on Steam, when D$ player base is 90%++ on Blizzard app not on Steam…
this game is dying, devs desperately need to add end-game!

5K now, Diablo 4 Season 5 started. Diablo 4 has 27K on Steam, when D4 player base is 90%++ on Blizzard app not on Steam…
this game is dying, devs desperately need to add end-game!

Well, apparently, you DO bother, given you keep coming back to discuss in this forum…

If your only measure for how long you’ll play or enjoy a game is solely the numbers of concurrent players at a given time, go play Counter Strike, or PUBG, or LOL, or whatever… They all have highest numbers.

We really don’t need your services of announcing steamdb updated numbers, if this is really the only thing that still makes you engage with this game. We can do that ourselves.

Thanks, see you.

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A new season just started, so it’s normal that people jumped in. PoE also had a pretty significant drop at the same time.

Far from it. That statement is just like the several hundreds and thousands of “PoE is dead” statements that people posted on PoE forums over the last 11 years.
Or like the statements that “CS2 is dead”, despite it being the most successul online game.
Or many other games over the years.

All your statement actually says is “I’m not enjoying the game, so no one else is either, and if you don’t change the game to what I like I will stop playing”, which is not the same thing as the game failling.

They do need to add end-game, which is what they’ve been doing. They don’t need to get desperate about it, though. They just need to do a good job with the core stuff they have planned for the next 3 cycles and then start building up numbers afterwards. Which, if they did a good job, will happen naturally.

Of course, they can do a great job and you might still not like it. Because no matter what you do, some people won’t like it. Doesn’t mean the game is dying though.