Can echo skill trigger another skill?

For example: warpath taking the smite chance per second skill. I am pretty sure the warpath echo does not proc smite. Died multiple times trying to test that out. Is it intended or bug?

No, it means you have up to 60% chance to proc the smite if you take all 5 points of winds of justice. Where it helps is that you spec into smite and have the double strike node Pillars of Light for an extra 36% chance to double cast. For smite to work optimally you want to have gear that scales both warpath and smite, which can be difficult to do.

The echo can trigger off any sentinel skill based on the passive chance rate plus any tree additives you may have selected.

The double cast only works if you cast Smite directly. It doesn’t trigger when smite is procced by another skill.

Yea, you are right, I should have been clear on that. It the decision between 100% warpath up time or need to stop and cast because moving could be deadly.

Got it, it’s a pity though. Would be cool if they interact together. Currently at 75% a second, it is not worth an investment so far into the tree. Would be better if it is per hit(at lower chance)

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