Can COF prophecy reward drop boss specific uniques?

I play COF because I don’t like trading and I don’t like farming gold. I am also farming Stormcarved Testament. I assume it is just as rare regardless of your faction so this item would cost more gold than something not so rare. So if I wasn’t farming Lagon, I would be farming gold(which I don’t want to do). Don’t see a lot of difference. I am also raising corruption and getting a ton of other gear at the same time. I can see an argument for turning on boss drops for Prophecies but honestly, you can’t completely turn off the grind. If you got everything in the first 30 minutes of playing, why continue to play the game Glares at Diablo?

this is the worst part of CoF, it does not interact with any other mechanic which may drop uniques. Unlike MG which lets you buy any unique

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If CoF and MG are really supposed to be “as equal as possible” (citation needed), then you should point out that MG is far better in other aspects aswell.

  • CoF drops are untradable, so at most you can farm as a group of 4. Whereas in MG, everyone can trade everything they find, so you can think of it as farming as a group of 1000+, 5000+, 10000+, whatever the amount of players in a cycle is. Neither of the CoF rank bonuses nor the juiced prophecies come close to that.

  • You get more drops, but CoF will still ignore/throw away most of those extra drops. What good is a 3LP unique if my build doesn’t need it, right? Meanwhile in MG, you’ll sell that 3LP for nice cash. So MG recycles unwanted gear into gold, which has value thanks to Bazaar and thanks to Lightless Arbor.

This is all outside of boss-specific uniques, but both points still apply to boss-specific uniques aswell.

A bit late, but since nobody replied to you… Yes, unfortunately your alt shares the same favor and reputation as your main when they are within the same cycle. You should always spend your favor before selecting the other faction on an alt :slight_smile:

It does, specifically ranks 2 and 6 do.

But mainly CoF has prophecies that target-drop uniques of a specific type, ie. “Unique Wand x4” or “Unique Ring x7”, and Rank 10 doubles those amounts, so it kinda interacts with itself.

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