Campaign Skip

There’s at least Undecember. This whole thread started with the OP suggesting paying to go to end of time at level 55 with rare gear. Which is something you can do in Undecember.

There are some threads that have a legitimate request for a campaign alternative. This thread isn’t one of them. It’s a thread about implementing a level skip as long as you pay.


Yeah, that’s gross. Monetization should only be for cosmetic items and pets. maybe character slots, but only if there’s a healthy amount (enough for 1 of every possible class) by default, but even then I’d prefer just unlimited character slots for free lol


Why? What does it take away from your own enjoyment of the game?

I know this is a very common reaction, and selling a level jump would be commercial suicide for EHG. Big time. That’s not even worth considering.
But I never found it rational at all. Yes, some people have higher level characters than me. So what? I just don’t get it.

I remember seeing a post on Steam (or was it Reddit?) a while ago, some guy asking “Is Undecember still PTW? Or shall I start playing it?”.
Nonsense, but socially fascinating: the game is free to play, but instead of trying it for themselves and see, some people need a social validation first.

It would be ass to start on level 50. I just want to remove the slog that makes you stroll away from the MSQ so you get from A-B faster. Add dungeons to it and you are through the MSQ in 2-3h and can start blasting Monoliths. If this is asked to much to do then I don’t why people even touch hack and slash games where braindead repetition is the main goal of the game.

Is this sarcasm or your oppinion? I’m a bit lost here ^^.

LE has a economic environment, hence a indirect competition which means value return from content will be worse the later you do it… since supply for lower-tier items is massive and demand non-existent.
Given that the pace at which we already progress through that stage it means the disparity between your income form gameplay and the available upgrades make it vastly harder for someone starting late to get in LE. Someone up top in a decently fresh cycle will get the same gear after 10 hours of playing where someone starting late will need 200 hours since the early one can sell a substantial amount of items for a decent gold-price still.

So, with a method to skip the campaign and hence create a character directly into the range of end-game (or very very close to it) there is no opportunity cost for creating a new character with a different focus anymore, just a resource blockade.

This means that you get more experienced (or long-playing players) snowball away from everyone else in the community even quicker then already is the case. Also it brings problem long-term as more and more content is brought into the game, making individual builds less likely to deal with all of it at the same level, rather being better at ‘Mechanic A’ while being not very good at ‘Mechanic B’ (We can see it in PoE very well that for example a Delve character is vastly different from a bosing or clearing character).
So that would also take away the weight of the decision into which aspect to go first. Because basically… you can do everything at once.

This is generally a bad position for a live-service game as it causes replay-value to sink drastically when you have access to ‘everything’ at the same level at every time without any major obstacles to overcome.

LE has a problem with longevity already, would be nice to improve that rather then decrease it :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh boy… If someone I trust told me undecember wasn’t P2W anyomre and there is a fresh start server I would be all over the game again because the first time I tried it it was fun but it was obviously designed with P2W aspects in mind so I avoid like the plague because I don’t play P2W games.

Where is the fascinating part in this? Where is someone asking for social validation? Most people don’t want to waste their time on a P2W product if there are many others without P2W and still have intrest in the P2W title if there wasn’t P2W involved anymore.

Prime example makeing a mountain out of a molehill.

Many people care a lot about stuff i don’t get. Me not getting it isn’t invaldiating their care about something. I don’t even try to get it but to accept it that people care about the strangest things for my taste.

Besides the inherent competitive elements an ARPG has, like Kulze pointed out, there is the issue of game design/identity. Most P2W games are designed in a way that introduce barriers for you to overcome and the only solution they provide for it is real money.

A great example for this are mobile games where you have to build stuff that takes 8h or 24h to finish. And the only way to avoid this wait time is paying them. You reach a point where you start your game, play for 30 minutes and then have to wait a full day until you can do anything again.

Obviously this is an extreme example, but it’s common to the design of P2W games. They introduce annoying mechanics designed to massively increase the friction you feel when playing so that you feel more inclined to spend money to get rid of it.

So the biggest problem with P2W is that they deliberately introduce bad designs so they can sell you the solution for them.

Skip campaign? Yes.
Monetized? Hell no.