Call the ladder resets Epochs instead of Cycles upon Release

I mean…it just makes sense.


Wouldnt eras make more sense? Since each one would take place at a different time?


I think they both fit but given they already use eras in-game for the various times epoch would be more clear.

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Sure? It’s a time travel themed game so they could all take place at once :D.

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Yes I think ‘epoch’ is more thematically fit than ‘cycle’.

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Actually… seems quite genius? :smiley:

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But how would we have multiple Epoch’s if this is the Last Epoch :thinking:

If there’s a last epoch then clearly there were epochs before it.

Hmmm surely. I vote for ages

Last Epoch can be the name for the “Standard” league, where all the characters go to rot in the end.

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Calling it epochs while the game is called Last Epoch would mean there will only be one and final league/season? right,right? :sweat_smile:

FINAL fantasy says hi :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Indeed, there’s a reason why I never name my statutory accounts spreadsheets “final” (because the next version is usually “final v2”, “final v3”, etc)…

Final, Definitive, Ultimate, Draft v2

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You jest, but yeah, the stats for ~4 years ago was something like that. Then they needed to be restated…

XXX v5 Final v2 Restated.

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