Build (in progress ofc) - Serpent's Milk Spriggan Totem

Good evening ladies and gents,

I would like to present the build that currently has my goldfish like attention span…oh shiny…

Ahem, anyhow, this build is far from finished, of course, as I am still unhappy with certain gear selections and playing around till I find the sweet spot for resists; however, the meat and bones of the build are still there I believe.

Currently, I am looking for some input and maybe a little more guidance from people who know math cause I rolled a natural 1 in that department unless it’s calculus or statistical math (go figure). Below I am going to have some questions that I hope some of you may take the time to read and answer.

  1. In thorn totem, should I try and cap poison application or duration, or just pivot entirely and fill out the shred armor node? My thoughts are that the longer the poison duration from thorn totem, the more stacks I can have, the more damage I can do. But…if you have more shred armor stacks…yeah I can’t math that out and playing by feel hasn’t helped as it shreds through content. I would like to drop 1 point from Totemic Wisdom so I can play around with it, but without it now it just gets too close for my comfort to popping out of form.

  2. Ice Thorns is a temporary holder skill. I am switching between that and Eterra’s Blessing atm, until I get all 15 points into beastmaster and get Queen Scorpion again. For those not in the know, I was able to get an EHG Dev to confirm that your minion stats apply to baby scorpions and, unless explicitly stated it affects baby scorpions, the skill tree does not affect baby scorpions. Any thoughts on this? Should I not worry about getting those extra 4 minions and stick with more defense?

  3. I am trying to add in some block effectiveness when I find a good rolled exalted ring that doesn’t fricking have void damage on it. Also, I am going with armor stacking if that wasn’t obvious. If I can find a good relic with +2 or more to spriggan form, that would be very ideal. I didn’t add it to poison chance while in form since spirit thorns inherently has a -40% modifier on it (if I read it right). Also, more defense = good to me.

  4. Same goes for HP. Still tweaking this to get the maximum amount, but not going shaman means I really need to cover my resists and not cheese totems for it. Again, still messing with those to hit a sweet spot and not be so far over. I doubt I am going to hit 2k HP tho, and everyone is saying that it is required to do T3+ Julra. I haven’t had enough practice on her honestly and keep derping.

  5. Idols So, with the thorn totem proc idol I can have up to 15 totems up at the same time.

  6. Piggybacking off of #5. I didn’t choose shaman, as I have one doing this but going cold damage, because I wanted E. Roots. I am just gonna say it now, it is stupid fun. E. Roots can proc thorn totems via the idol since each wave of it is considered a hit. When you have a group of mobs around your totems, boom 5 thorn totems summoned. And with how I spec’d spriggan form and vale spirits, I always have it up and ready for the next mob.

  7. Last one. Does it matter the location you place the totems to maximize boss damage. Ergo, should I stack them right on bosses, or is it fine to keep them on me so I benefit from the healing they are doing and still do similar, if not, the same dps? This is throwing me off with Julra atm so I have to ask.


Imgur being a PITA. Just an screenshot of the 15 totems proc’d up.

I’m currently preparing something comparable. Difference is that I will apply poison and my scorpion also.
Here, currently, your Serpent Milk seems not to be used. Your skills are not converted to poison and you don’t have the scorpion yet. Is it a placeholder, or is there something I did not see? You have poison damage, but I don’t see your poison chance, other than the totems.
The advantage of you not poisoning directly is that you can focus more on totems and so have Entangling roots quite often. That, I couldn’t, so I did not take Roots. I wanted to use them.
Here’s what I currently have, work in progress and low level compared to you:

Next step will be removal of the staff, use of a shield and either poison wand or scepter, or maybe the totems axe, still unsure.
I also have some passive points du move, thanks to the belt. And a lot of work to do. ^^

For thorn totems, I used to do like you. Now I go full poison, it has its own resistance shred.
And regarding their location, I don’t know what is best, they have a rather good shooting distance.

Nightshade Briar node in Thorn Totem. 4% more TT damage per stack of poison on the target. So, I am basically using poison to setup big damage from TT, which is spell/physical damage ignoring poison damage due to the mod on Serpent’s Milk.

I had scorpion but I had to rearrange points. Speaking of, I am going to rearrage a little bit more so I can get scorpion sooner. Tho, depending on how empowered monos go, I might just stick with defense.

I did figure out a few things just via playing and feel.

Lasting Affliction in the Thorn Totem tree gave me my biggest damage increase as poisons now last 5s or so (if I did the maths right) for each TT hit. Unfortunately, I had to sacrifice a point in Venom Tipped Thorns and am only 4/5 for 80% poison chance making the total for TT 280% per hit. Keep in mind, only one thorn per TT can hit the mob at a time -_-

Dropping totems on the boss or near it seems to be the best for damage increase.

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