Bug with Ballista Harpoon in Bosses

Playing as Rogue I found some bugs with the game bosses using Ballista’s passive harpoon. I still don’t understand how the bug occurs, but I managed to replicate it on almost all bosses.

By placing the ballista in the corners of the map (in some locations they are specific as I will show, and in others the pixel needs to be very specific) the boss is stuck on some invisible wall, he still continues to do the movement animation, but does not leave the place. If you enter the skill range, he continues using it normally, but in any case it’s just finding the limit of skills and he doesn’t cast them and it’s possible to kill them without any challenge.

In other cases, the ballista pushes the target instead of pulling, in this case, when the boss is pushed, I couldn’t hit it with skill. In the endgame when I already had the Rain Arrow skill I managed to hit him, maybe because the skill comes from above and doesn’t face you, in this example I recorded with 2 different bosses, with the Rain Arrow skill and without it.

Bug happening when the boss is pulled to the edge of the map and cannot move:

Bug happening when the boss is pushed and the skill doesn’t hit:

With Frostoot I managed to replicate this bug in practically every place on the map.

Bug with Rain Arrow skill when boss is pushed:

Another boss that I stuck to an invisible wall and killed him out of range, in this case a regular map boss, showing that this can be done with any boss:

I have a few more examples, but new members can’t put more than 5 links in a post, so I put what I think is most important.

You can put some more links in additional posts.

Bug being made with Liath

Bug made with done with different bosses at the same time, here I show that after bugging the boss is no longer pulled by the harpoon

now the ballista pushing instead of pulling, and again, the harpoon stops pulling

hitting the boss outside his skill range and in the next print the other one that got stuck in the invisible wall


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