Bug in Stash Tab

There is a Big and Persistent bug in the “Category” in Stash Tabs.
It is still active at this moment even after I exit the game and I enter it again.
It started when I had 3 Categories and I decided to transfer all tabs from a Category to another category. All of a sudden ALL tabs disappeared. To recover the tabs I had to do the following in a loop:
1 - Create a new category
2 - Exit the Stash Tabs screen
3 - Go back to the Stash Tabs screen
4 - Delete a category
5 - Exit the Stash Tabs screen
6 - Go back to the Stash Tabs screen
7 - The tabs were (sometimes) back
8 - Move one tab to a “stable” category
9 - Do this loop all over again until I had ALL tabs in a “someway working” category.

At this moment I have 3 stash tabs that I can’t customize. One of them have all my tabs and the other two I think they are empty, but I can’t delete them (I mean, I can’t delete the categories). I can’t do any customization to any of the categories.

Hey. I just wanted to let you know there is a fix coming for a stash bug. Hopefully it will be in mext patch and youll be able to edit these again


Thank You Very Much for telling me that :slight_smile:
It is very nice to know that the annoying problem has being fixed in an upcoming patch.

Unfotunately didnt make it in this patch :frowning: but they said they are working on it

At least we know it will be fixed eventually :slight_smile:

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