Broken File

Version : 1.0.0
Precondition :

  1. You have to be in “online” mode
  2. You teleport from Monolith to Shop but the loading screen is endless that you forcefully shut off the game.

Procedure :

  1. Try to start game again by choosing the same character at the character choosing screen.
  2. The loading screen is endless but you hear the teleporter sound which should be heard when the end time map is actually displayed.
    Also, if you move your mouse cursor around, you can see the mouse cursor icon turning into the message box which should be shown if you put your cursor to the NPCs.


  1. I tried this forcefully turning off method for quite few times and worked just fine till now.
  2. I tried other servers as well which didn’t do anything.
  3. I tried creating new character and this new character was working fine that I could enjoy the game.
  4. I put a lot of time into the borken file character, so I really hope this file to work again.