Bow Mastery with Flurry bugged or working as intended?


Channeling flurry gives only 1 stack of bow mastery at the start of channel, if I start channeling Flurry 5 times, I get 5 stacks. Is it supposed to work like this or is it bugged?

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Giving this a bump cos I would also like to knowā€¦ Feels a bit disappointing at the moment.

Been loving my first rogue and just ran into this mechanic. It seems intentional because of how Bow Mastery is worded, but it feels bad that it cant generate OR keep the stacks.

Definitely would love to see it generate and/or keep stacks. It would make flurry feel a LOT better on a marksman.

If intended this just genuinely feels bad IMO and should be changed, itā€™s odd to have your mastery buffs be useless for certain skills/nodes that are very much within the ā€œfantasyā€ of that mastery. Flurry should generate stacks periodically, if ā€œper hitā€ rather than ā€œon useā€ would be OP for certain mechanics.

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It is intended, this is how all ā€œon useā€ effects interact with channelled skills.

For me marks mastery passive is not ā€œon useā€. Why? Use any bow attack if there is no enemy around, that the skill could hit, did you get stack of passive? No. You get the stack only if skill hit enemy so it is on hit and channeled Flurry should give stacks too. Channeling is also using a skill.

Itā€™s not on hit though, if it were 1 use of flurry would give 3 stacks.

I must admit that I didnā€™t thought about 3 stack per single non channeling Flurry. I know games which have on-hit buff or debuff and when the skill have more that one attack per use itā€™s still gives only one stack of buff/debuff on hit and when skill is channeled it gives you stacks for each 1, 2 or more seconds of channeling.
I still canā€™t say that the marks passive is on use but I could change my approach to hybrid (on use and hit).

It would be nice if the passive was tweaked to give stacks every X seconds while channelling. But as things currently are & how the game is coded, it only checks for ā€œon useā€ stuff when you start channelling. So it is working as intended, but it does suck for channelled skills.

In my eyes it would be fair and balanced for X to be 1 and on use effects to trigger every second while channeling. Nothing takes more than a second to use and with enough attack speed buffs youā€™re attacking 2+ times per second with non-channeled abilities, so if anything thatā€™s perhaps too slow. Still given the focus on better support and QOL for channeled abilities in this patch / cycle it would certainly be better than nothing.


Yeah, I could agree with that.