Boss killing, which build do you favor for T4 bossing

Just like the title says, I am trying to get better at killing Julra and I’m looking for input as to what builds people have been using to kill endgame bosses.

The rip blood bone nova golem has gotten me the closest to killing a T3 Julra that I have ever gotten, but I have hit a wall.

What do y’all like for bossing builds?

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Especially dungeon bosses, which are very mechanical can be massively improved on every build by simply praticing them.

I would actually suggest just practing them on low difficulties and try to make your mechanics as close as perfect as possible.

But to answer your question, my best bossing builds are:

Lightning Lethal Mirage Bladedancer, using flow. This is a very combo orianted build which integrates the flow mechanic, using all 5 skills in a row. This is very bursty and I basically wait for a moment where I can do my combo within 2-3 seconds then I have 5-7 seconds cooldown and just focus on dodging the boss.

Harvest Lich, with Transplant and Reap. You can spec Reap to not share a cooldown with Transplant and having two separat movement skills is just very good and gives you a lot of room for errors. I usually only use transplant for buffs and spare reap, in case I do a mistake.


I really like fire minion Necromancer with Transplant and Volatile Zombie. It gives you the right balance between damage and durability to do what you need to do. I brought down Empowered Heorot at level 91 wearing basically a trashcan and a baseball cap, armed with nothing but minions and harsh language. I think it took four tries? Five, maybe? Definitely a lot of value for your point / equipment investment. 10/10.

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There is a significant amount of relief in the idea that I just need to avoid the boss’ skill shots instead of figuring out how to tank them by farming for a million years.

I might need to invest in a bladedancer, that does sound fun. The spammy builds are fun but stick me in place a bit.

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I have no idea what builds are good or bad for end game bosses, I just play what I enjoy.

That seems to be Sorc lately and over a year ago, but whether I’m doing meteors or static orb, the play style feels so clunky and frustrating. Always stopping every few sec to channel focus and the flow of game play feels so bad on Sorc. Mana regen stat doesn’t seem to make any different either, at least noticeably.


Im in a similar groove honestly, trial and error to see what feels good. Some builds that seem pretty cool make me crazy, skeleton mage sacrifice was fun for a while until I needed to resummon my mages in a boss fight.

I have yet to try Sorc out of all the classes so I might have to really see what it is like. It sure as hell seems cool.

Try get T6 mana regen on Juria Ring will change the game for sorc – once you teleport you will get 120% mana regen(3x T6 effect) for 4s which is very hard to get in normal way
Two ring will double the fun

BowMage, Fire Disintegrator, and Erasing Strike Void Knight are all great boss smashers. My solo Fire Necro hit the wall. That being said, there’s another real simple rule for bosses: Don’t Stand In The Stupid.

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