Boss dungeons /slow corruption gain

Just two points that have been really getting to me.
1 : When doing a dungeons boss, give players a few attempts before losing the dungeon… trying a T4 boss, dying and losing all progress and getting kicked out if it immediately is just poor design. Even Poe gives you several attempts

2: Corruption buildup is too slow / needs different ways. I know this has been buffed already but its still super annoying. I want to spend time farming high corruption not spend time trying to get high corruption. There needs to be a system where you can easily reach the amount of corruption you can actually handle, maybe similar to Arena?
Just a few suggestion / things on my mind

Point 1. Agreed…

Point 2. Its interesting having come from playing the old way (which was DOG SLOW) vs the new way. Perhaps I am comparing the old way and thinking the new way is better than someone who is just attempting the new way?

With the increases of building up “charges” from killing monolith bosses multiple times and running echos to the edges of the maps where Orobyss kills can add significant corruption I think its ok… Obviously it could always be faster, but it cannot be too easy imho, it is afterall the end-game final mechanic… there is nothing else in the game to do that is potentially as difficult… And jumping corruption too fast / big increments can have an adverse side effect of making a charactter stuck on monoliths that are too hard…

The system should include a way to reduce corruption easily. It should enable the player to set corruption anywhere between 0 -300 the timespan of a few hours. (pushing to really high corruption could be a lot slower since this would be content for the more experienced players anyway) Anyway i’m pretty confident this will still change before release

I wish there was a way to scale corruption from the getgo with some kind of slider. Grinding corruption just to replay everything oncce a certain ammount of corruption is reached is boring af after some time.

Lets say: If you reched 300 corruption in timeline X you can start every other timeline at 300 corruption. Just being able to use the highest number in 100 increments sounds good to me.


Other timelines do get a massive boost in corruption increasing based on the highest corruption you already have in another timeline… I recall this was especially good when I pushed to 300 corruption for Omni farming in one timeline… all the other timelines with lesser corruption got boosts so getting to the same level was very quick by comparison to how long it took for the first (highest corruption) timeline…

Must admit tho… after doing hundreds if not thousands of echos, the mechanism has flaws… I understand the need of the Orobyss/Special echo to increase or decrease corruption but its still tiresome… the combination of stability/corruption feels unneccessary or even contrived rather than a smooth system…

not sure what I would suggest as possible solutions… maybe “orobyss free” echos that help decrease corruption easier… maybe orobyss wins dont reset maps so you could do a bunch of high value orobyss echos one after another and build up corruption quicker… maybe there could be a corruption currency that you insert in an Orobyss map before the boss spawns that allows you to multiply/divide corruption levels for speedy increase/decrease… maybe rushing to orobyss echos automatically maxes out stability when you kill any orobyss to do monoliths faster…

who knows…I definitely dont…

I agree it takes way way too long. Hope they will find a solution.

Ive mentioned it before but, I think it should work similar to chronicon.

Chronicon offers players ifinite scaling difficulty past lets just call it tier 15, so you have 20, 25, 50, 100, etc etc.

You cant increase this until you beat the current one you are on, to get to 51, you need to beat 50.

But once you have beat a difficulty you can set the difficulty to anything you have beat so if you want to farm really fast at 100 corruption in a timeline thats at 500, you just set it to 100, and change it back to 500 on a slider.

I think the initial step in building corruption should be as it is now, you fight a far out orobyss, corruption goes up. fighting anything that does not increase it, simply resets the web without messing with the corruption.

Pushing corruption I think gets called out as being too slow, but I think this game already has a relatively solid pace. Spending a few hours to go from 100 to 300 shouldnt break your gaming experience.

But I think it needs to be time consuming until we have a way to easily lower it, cause right now you can easily get lucky on an orobyss, +50 corruption then be unable to do monos correctly and need to struggle to lower it back down to a reasonable level.

There is not enough opportunity to reset 500-1000 corruption quickly.

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