Bonus expirience from corruption

Bonus experience from corruption totally useless. Magic find is ok yeah, but xxxx% experience become useless pretty fast. May be convert part of that to magic find too, when character lvl 100 or change it to gold increase. Something usefull at least.

I get you but so far I really dont mind. Just use it to grab a friend straight from lvl 1 and boost his lvl through the roof in a high corruption mono or something. I do think there can be different options for that to make it better in the future instead of the bonus XP but so far I just ignore it and do not let that bother me. Better things to work on for the team than that at the moment.

Under level 50 you get nothing out of monoliths for real. You are better of playing the story alone then beeing in an mono while somone kills stuff.

Bonus exp is = Bonus Favor. And Favor is incredibly valuable.


Yeah I get you but I do not know what else you could really make of it when you are already lvl 100. Apparently as @Ethics said you get more favor for your faction depending on the bonus XP so that is something good to make of it.

Yeah he pointed out the most important thing even if you think it’s useless. On top of it if you respecc your skills said bonus exp relevls your skills faster as well.

This is must be 20 free points on lvl 100 for skills, not 18 =\