Blessing level ups

Hello everyone, pretty new to LE currently a 98 Beastmaster.

I thought of an idea kind of by an assumption of what I thought actually would happen. I saw the circular bar around blessings and assumed this was a level up bar for the blessing to upgrade it by an amount, I did not know this was the quality of the roll on the blessing.

My suggestion would be to make a level up on the blessing, you complete the monolith and if you select “Keep same” blessing this will put “x” amount of exp into your blessing node. When you fill the node it will level up your blessing without having to hope the RNG gods are with you and land a higher roll when completing the boss. This would make the whole jaunt of the monolith worth the journey as you’d at least feel some progress towards your blessing. Of course the upgrade wouldn’t be much and that would be for you to determine but it would be something to look forward to after completing the mono.

Thanks for checking it out.

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Actually the circular pattern around the blessing is the roll you got on that blessing. They come with a range and that is just the indicator of what you currently have. You can do the mono again in the hopes of getting a better roll.

I understand this and covered what you explained in my post.
I’m suggesting instead of 1st possibly getting the blessing to show up then 2nd getting a better roll. You get xp for your current blessing if you choose to keep it and there is not a better roll or does not show up. Say 3x same monolith you don’t get a better roll but choose to keep your current you filled out the xp requirement and your current goes up by say 2% or 3%.

I’m not saying take out all the blessing so you never get to choose, I’m saying lets be able to upgrade our blessings incase for the 6th or 10th time we run the same mono we don’t see an upgrade of the current mono.

You find a blessing that replaces your current upgraded blessing good, if not you’re at least gaining some power and progressing the blessing instead of leaving empty handed.

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My bad, I apologize for missing the second part of the statement.

I like this idea. It doesnt have to be much but some blessings have such a wide range and it could take running the same monolith 10’s of times if you get unlucky. Completing a monolith agian just to keep getting unlucky feels very bad

Yes leaving empty handed feels real bad after completing the mono

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