Blazing Rush and element conversion

Anyone know if the Double Effects with Overcapped Fire Res on Blazing Flux node is converted to the either lightning or cold Res if you take either the Energy Equivalence or Snowballing nodes?

I would assume it’s not; generally safe to assume that unless it’s explicitly stated it’s not converted. For example using the staff which converts meteor to lightning does not, I would expect, convert the penetration type for craterborn. Not 100% sure in that though, only way to know with certainty is to test it and I’m not set up to do so atm. If you do test it out certainly let us know.

Thanks. I tried testing it but frankly I can’t tell a difference. It wasn’t vastly important to my conversion stuff but was more curious than anything else. I never assume with LE which is why I tried to test and then asked to see if anyone had gotten it clearly verified.

One QoL thing I’d love to see is having the ‘databased’ text like this in the popups. So when things DO get converted the text itself would also change dynamically. But that is most certainly a QoL far, far down the list. :wink: