Blade Shield makes Shurikens disappear

After patch 0.9.2 dropped, I noticed that Shurikens are not working, disappearing almost immediately after being cast. They not only go invisible, but disappear completely, as enemies are not affected in any way. If it happens to touch an enemy in that brief moment before disappearing, it hits, but still disappears.

What exactly triggers it is unclear. The first cast after loading into a zone always works, but after a few or sometimes even one action of any kind it gets bugged.

What has not helped:

  1. Relogging or restarting the game.
  2. Restarting the PC.
  3. Validating game files through Steam.
  4. Reinstalling the game.
  5. Resetting all Passives and Skill Specializations

Uploading logs and video. I started recording right after loading into a zone. The first cast of Shurikens works normally, on the subsequent ones you can see them disappear.
Player.log (77.0 KB)

UPDATE: It’s Blade Shield. Shurikens work fine until Blade Shield is picked. Then it behaves as seen in the video. It’s fixed by removing Blade Shield and relogging.


I have the same bug here , shurikans spining around me only 1 time on every man when im using shift and after this blade shield dosend proc again

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Same bug here but with Javelin. Just wanted to use the new unique :frowning:

Exactly the same bug.

Same problem, no shurikens with blade shield

Just discovered same as well.

Tested on a dummy to see if maybe it was only the visual not working but it appears that after the one manifestation it does not actually work at all.

Also of note, if you port to another area, it restarts it so you the first one you do in that area actually has the shuriken shield. After that, they’re gone again. (26.0 KB)

Okay, I messed around with it some more and I have no idea if this will be helpful but if you MANUALLY cast Shurikens with Blade Shield node shurikens actually do fire (as you can see at about the :31 second mark in the video. They just don’t surround you and the don’t last.

My speculation is that this is something to do with the adjustments having been made to change Detonating Arrows and Jelkhor’s in 0.9.2.

Same bug here.

Same problem. Shurikens work fine alone or proc with Shift until I specced into Blade Shield.

shurriken dont work at all, and the skill isnt procced by using the shift skill

second this - no shurikens in combination with shift skill nor when casted per button

Can we get an update when this will be fixed. As it makes shurikens basically useless and we have to play with 1 skill less.

Same here, essentially bricks whatever I am playing.

Same bug here!

Bug still exists. Same issue. Shurikens bugging out. Resets on a new instance for a few tries but then essentially bricks after a few uses.

same issue here!

Yup, same issue here as well. Bug still existing.

I’m getting the same bug, especially when standing close to large bosses. Throwing the shurikens (whether as Chakrams or not) they disappear immediately and do no damage. If I stand near the edge of the boss arena and aim inwards, the shurikens often work normally

Same bug here :frowning:

Bump. Shift+Blade Shield works maybe the first time on each map, then nothing. Respeccing until fixed, really unfortunate.