Black screen every 2nd Zone

Since the latest patch (the UI Performance fix). I’ve been getting blackscreens on every 2nd zonechange/loadscreen/timetravel.

The curious thing is, it’s not the ENTIRE screen that is black, the UI is still visible. So my guess would be that the shader is a bit borked and needs a nudge or two.

When i change resolution (forcing the shader to reload) it usually fixes itself after a couple res changes.

I’m usually playing on 4K.

Here’s my DxDiag if needed for analysis: DxDiag -

I think I have the same issue - here is an example:

Hey @Algreth and @Setharial

This kind of thing does happen occassionally… Its usually fixed by running the game file verification option if you are using Steam. The second most common cause of this is running the game at higher settings that can translate into instability and odd things like this.

@Setharial Playing the game at very high resolutions like 4k has proven to not to be very stable - especially if you combine that with high settings & not using framerate limiting… This stability translates to actual crashes and often presents as artifacts when loading new areas - pretty similar to your experience… There are people with faster processors & 3000 series GPUs that have found that they have to dial back quality settings, enable framerate limits & even lower resolutions in favour of stability in the game… Your comment about changing resolution is a key indicator that you are probably having these same issues. Its not a factor of your hardware, its just the state of the optimisation in LE at the moment… The simple way to find the best config for your setup is to drop everything down to 1080p, 60fps framerate limited and all ingame settings to very low or disabled… Test this for stability and watch your GPU usage… Then increase the res… do the same, then increase the framerate to whatever your monitor supports or less (use the limit to keep your GPU % usage average during play less than 80% odd - this seems to be the most stable and you dont want your GPU maxing out all the time) … test again… Then finally up the quality settings one by one testing as you go… Even on 3000 series GPUs, it seems that when you go above Medium, instability can increase exponentially (depending on the other settings)…but you will have to see what works on your setup.

@Setharial - Check the end of your dxdiag file for diagnostic errors - you should go through those and make sure that whatever is causing them is corrected OR that you know why they happened and can ignore then… Nothing to do specifically with LE - just general maintenance…

I also get this issue, and have verified game files and DxDiag reports no problems.

I run at 1600x1024.

Only started happening with the last few patches.

Hey… Welcome to the forums…

Did you try the base graphics settings i mentioned above? i.e. 1080p, 60fps framerate limites, all settings on very low or disabled? Its important to do this test as this will tell us if its the usual graphics setting issue or not…

Using abnormal widescreen resolutions does cause problems with some players - but the simple base graphics testing should tell us if this is invovled or not.

You didnt include your dxdiag so I cannot check OS patching, driver versions, the diagnostic section or anything else but its important to make sure that your system is patched, drivers are recent and there are no underlying issues.

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