Black screen after new character creation


I’m playing using Linux client (ubuntu 20.04, nvidita GTX 660).

When I start a new character, i’ve got a black screen after validating. I don’t even have the loading screen. Closing the game and selecting the character works well then and i can start play. Everything else work well.

Thank you for your post!

I’m going to move this thread to #bug-reports. I believe what is causing this is that, immediately after character creation, we play a Character Intro video which is class-specific. We previously had this working on Linux - I personally validated that on Ubuntu, Manjaro, and Solus - however it sounds like the videos are now failing to play on Linux. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Thanks for the quick reply !

Sorry for the wrong section. If you need informations on libs I’m using or something else on my system, feel free to ask.

Where you posted is actually my personal preference for seemingly isolated issues. :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve managed to reproduce this on a laptop running Ubuntu 20.04, so that shouldn’t be necessary. I apprecate the offer, and we’ll try to get a fix implemented in time for Friday’s patch.

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I believe yesterday’s Patch 0.8 should have resolved this.

I’ll go ahead and mark the thread as resolved. Please let us know if you have any further issues.

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