Better Stash Search/Sorting/Organization

This is sort of a follow up to my topic on all the new crafting options in the game encouraging more hoarding. Random thoughts on loot usefulness and hoarding

This is one suggestion for aleviating some of those problems without compromising the interesting new systems:

In anticipation of the new season, I’ve been going through the monumental task of cleaning and sorting my stash so it’s more usable. And it reminded me of just how bad managing the stash actually is. It’d be really nice if we could get some improvements. Just some general complaints/suggestions from my thoughts so far:

  • The search function isn’t great. It pulls up a lot of items that don’t actually fit the search criteria (from what I understand it has to do with what is in their mod explanations.) and for finding what you’re actually looking for, you need to use an exact string without any leeway for typos.

  • I’d like the ability to sort and filter based on various criteria like with the loot filter plus some other things. I’m sorting through my idols at the moment and I’d really like it if I could just group together all the idols with the same prefix or suffix so I could quickly compare their rolls. Also being able to then sort them by the roll values of those affixes would be helpful.

  • If you have a lot of tabs, it’s pretty slow to navigate between them. The “quick bar” is even kind of slow with the speed it scrolls. It’d be nice to be able to change the scroll speed on that menu. Also, the categories in the quick bar should be collapsible. That way the number of tabs within the category doesn’t affect how how space the category takes up and thus wouldn’t slow down access to the category you’re looking for.

  • This is sort of a side/general UX thing: But Could you disable or add an option to disable mouse clicks affecting movement while in a menu? The number of times I’ve moved my character away from my stash by accident while scrolling the quick menu is super frustrating.

  • The tab affinity system is nice in theory, but in practice I haven’t gotten much use out of it. The problem for me is that I have some tabs that I dedicate to gear I need specifically for whatever build I’m playing or planning to play next. Obviously this includes all sorts of items like uniques, exalts, and idols. But if I set up a tab affinity for those items types as would be normally useful, then I can’t as easily place the specific items I want into the build tabs. I’m not really sure exactly what would fix this issue, although maybe it would be less of a concern if the search/sort features of the tabs were improved enough that everything could just go into their respective categories and then I can just easily find what I’m looking for when I need it.